Life as the Inalienable Right

Olde Courthouse LewistownBy Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director

In the shadow of the Olde Courthouse in Lewistown, Pennsylvania, people from all different faiths and walks of life gathered to recognize life as an inalienable right.

The peaceful protest was just one of the many held throughout the country this past weekend in a show of quiet solidarity for pregnant women and their babies.

The Life Chain events are known for their calm dignity and prayerful presence. At the Lewistown event, the soulful hymns were punctuated by inspiring speeches illustrating the many pro-life successes of 2017.

We have a man on the U.S. Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch, who is determined to strictly interpret the law, rather than actively make laws from the bench. An Executive Order ensures that no taxpayer funding will support organizations that perform and promote abortions overseas. Stellar pro-life individuals have filled the President’s Cabinet, and, for the first time this past January, a Vice-President addressed the annual March for Life.

In Pennsylvania, abortion centers that could not or would not meet basic health and safety standards have shut their doors. Abortion totals are at their lowest rate in the Keystone State since the tragic 1973 U.S. Supreme Court ruling Roe v. Wade. A new optimism and a renewed commitment flow through Pennsylvania’s pro-life ranks.

Life Chain 2017 marks a turning point in the history of our Commonwealth and of our nation–and that is cause for celebration!

Lots of Pro-Life Events Happening This Fall – Please Stand Up for Life!

This fall is packed full of opportunities to take a stand for life in Pennsylvania.

NRLLifeWorthDefendingAnd what better time? Our nation is waking up to the horrific practices that are happening in abortion centers across the country, practices that involve killing and dismembering preborn babies and harvesting their body parts.

Now more than ever, our local communities need to be reminded of the truth about abortion. About 1.1 million babies are aborted in the U.S. every year, 32,000 of them in Pennsylvania.

Please take a stand for life and consider participating in one of these events:

PA PRO-LIFE TOWN HALL IN GROVE CITY – We’re going to be at Grove City College Wednesday, Sept. 16 for our final town hall stop of 2015. Come to learn the latest news  about abortion and assisted suicide. Executive Director Michael Ciccocioppo and Education Director Micaiah Bilger will speak and then answer questions. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. in the Sticht Auditorium, Hall of Arts and Letters, Madison Avenue. The event is co-sponsored by the Center for Vision and Values Marriage and Family Working Group.

LIFE CHAINS – Join a peaceful rally on the sidewalks of your town this October and help raise awareness about abortion. Life Chains will be held Sunday, Oct. 4 in dozens of towns across Pennsylvania. Many of our chapters organize Life Chains to raise awareness and pray for babies and moms. Find details here.

CELEBRATE LIFE BANQUET IN PITTSBURGH WITH RUTH GRAHAM AND WINDSOR BAUDERS — Please mark your calendars and plan to join us on Tuesday, Oct. 20 in Pittsburgh for an evening of pro-life inspiration. The guest speakers will be Ruth Graham, the daughter of Billy Graham, and her daughter Windsor Bauders. Ruth and Windsor will share how their family faced two teenage pregnancies — while being related to one of the most famous religious leaders in the world. Please register today or consider becoming a sponsor. For details, click here.

FAIRS AND FESTIVALS – Our chapters are still out tabling at community events across the state. Check out where their pro-life tables will be and consider volunteering.

40 DAYS FOR LIFE — Join a peaceful, prayerful campaign for life outside abortion centers across the state. The next 40 Days for Life campaign will kick off on Sept. 23. The following Pennsylvania cities are participating this fall: Allentown, Chester County, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Norristown, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Reading, Warminster, and York. Click here for details.

AN EVENING WITH DR. ALVEDA KING, NIECE OF DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. IN BRIDGEPORT — 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 7 at the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Bridgeport. Special guest introduction by J.D. Mullane, columnist for the Intelligencer and Bucks County Courier Times. No admission charge. A freewill offering will be taken. Dr. King’s books will be available for sale. Hosted by Bucks County Right to Life.

LIFE RUN 5K IN ERIE — Saturday, Oct. 10 in Erie. For details, click here. Benefits People for Life of Erie.

“PRO-LIFE: WHAT’S REALLY GOING ON” IN BIGLERVILLE — Thursday, October 29 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Harbaugh-Thomas Library, 59 West York Street, Biglerville. Michael Ciccocioppo, executive director of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, will get to the bottom of several pro-life issues reported in the mass media in recent months. Stories have emerged about undercover videos catching high level Planned Parenthood officials discussing the selling of aborted baby’s body parts. Stories have been promoted by a group named Compassion and Choices, which is pushing for the legalization of assisted suicide in Pennsylvania. And there will be time to answer other pro-life questions. Pennsylvanians for Human Life Adams County Chapter is sponsoring this free event. For details, contact Suzanne Landis at .

ANNUAL PRO-LIFE PRAYER BREAKFAST AND BASKET SOCIAL IN NEW GERMANY– 9 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 31 at the Immaculate Conception Church Hall, New Germany. Delores Euker will be the guest speaker. Euker is a pro-life sidewalk counselor who tells amazing stories about how babies’ lives are saved right outside abortion centers in Pennsylvania. Euker received the 2014 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation. The event is hosted by the Cambria/Somerset Citizens Concerned for Human Life. For details, click here.

CRAWFORD COUNTY CITIZENS FOR LIFE ANNUAL BANQUET — Friday, Nov. 6 at the Pampered Palate in Saegertown. Dr. Paul Kengor will be the keynote speaker. For details, click here.

Find more Pennsylvania events here.

Young, Diverse Generation Is Taking on Pro-Life Mission

I do a lot of online research about pro-life issues, and I always seem to find something new and interesting – and usually not directly related to the thing I was researching.

That’s what happened the other day when I stumbled across this graphic from the Public Religion Research Institute. abortiondiversitybyage

The graphic compares older pro-lifers and younger pro-lifers based on religious affiliation. The older generation of pro-lifers is mostly made up of white Evangelicals, Protestants and Catholics; while the younger generation of pro-lifers is much more diverse.

According to PRRI, “Americans who oppose abortion today look significantly different from their older counterparts. They’re less white, less religious, and have attained higher levels of education. As the anti-abortion movement ramps up efforts to recruit a new generation of advocates, these changing demographics will demand new strategies.”

Our diversity is a reason to celebrate. This graphic shows that the pro-life message truly does resonate with Americans from all walks of life. It’s just further evidence that our mission is strong.

As we approach October, which many Christians celebrate as Respect Life Month, I think we need to keep our changing demographics in mind. The man standing next to you during 40 Days for Life may not be Catholic. The woman holding a Life Chain sign down the street may not be Evangelical. The family donating diapers to the local pregnancy center may not be religious at all.

I just encourage everyone to keep this in mind this fall as pro-lifers gather together at events all across the state. Let’s continue to welcome and build new relationships with pro-lifers in our communities. United, we can become an even stronger force as we work to protect and value every human life.

Stand for Life at One of These Pro-Life Events This Fall

Fall is almost here, and my calendar is already peppered with pro-life events all across the state.

Many of our chapters and volunteers hold special events of their own or participate in national ones. Please consider getting involved in one of these events this fall:

2014 Celebrate Life Banquet – Come to hear about what’s been happening in Pennsylvania, and connect with pro-lifers from all across the state. This special event will be Sept. 30 in Harrisburg. For details, click here.

40 days for life40 Days for Life – Groups in nine locations throughout Pennsylvania will peacefully and prayerfully rally against abortion. Almost 9,000 babies and their moms have been spared from the pain of abortion through this powerful movement. The fall campaign will begin on Sept. 24. Learn more here.

Life Chains – Sunday, Oct. 5 is set aside as a day to pray and witness publically about the tragedy of abortion and life-affirming alternatives. This year will mark the 27th anniversary of the united Life Chain effort to end abortion. Many Life Chains are organized by our local chapters. (In fact, it was a Life Chain that inspired me to get involved in the pro-life movement.) Click here to find a Life Chain near you.

These are just a few ways you can get involved this fall. Click here for even more pro-life events happening across Pennsylvania.

Everyone Can Do Something for Life This Autumn

One person cannot do everything to protect life, but every person can do something.

That’s a message our Executive Director Michael Ciccocioppo shares with pro-lifers when he is out on the road. How true it is.

Bucks County Right to Life volunteers

If you’re one of those people who has always wanted to do something more, this fall is a great time to get involved.

Maybe it’s just taking an hour to read the latest news about what’s happening in the abortion debate in America. Maybe you can help educate other people in your church by requesting our free Respect Life Bulletin insert (Contact us at or 717-541-0034). Maybe you can read a pro-life book such as “Unplanned” by Abby Johnson or “Why Can’t We Love Them Both” by Dr. and Mrs. J.C. Willke. When you’re done, consider donating it to your church or community library so others can read it, too.

Maybe you can participate in one of these upcoming pro-life events in Pennsylvania:

Lila Rose Red DressCelebrate Life Banquet — On Oct. 29 in Pittsburgh, join pro-lifers all across Pennsylvania for the pro-life event of the year. This special evening will feature Lila Rose, the young pro-life activist who founded the undercover investigative group Live Action. Register now by calling 717-541-0034 or visiting our website. The banquet benefits the life-saving work of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation Education Fund.

“What I saw at the Gosnell Trial” with journalist J.D. Mullane — at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 15 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, Doylestown, in St. Mary’s Hall across the street from the church. J.D. Mullane is a columnist for the Intelligencer and the Courier Times. He reported extensively on the trial of Kermit Gosnell, the West Philadelphia abortionist convicted of murdering newborns. The event is hosted by the Bucks County Right To Life.

Life Chain — Thousands of Life Chain events will be held on Oct. 6 on sidewalks all across the U.S. People will gather to pray and hold pro-life signs as a peaceful public witness about the devastation of legalized abortion. For a list of times and locations, visit and click on “Pennsylvania” on the left side of the screen.

Respect Life Conference — St. Gabriel’s Ministry will host the conference “Building a Respect Life Community” from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 5 at the St. Patrick’s Parish Activity Center, 85 Marsh Drive, Carlisle. Speakers include Monsignor Stuart Swetland, vice president of Catholic Identity, Mount St. Mary’s University; and Maria Gallagher, legislative director of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation. Registration is $25, including lunch. A family rate is available. For more information, contact Patricia Dowling at or Gabriel Marcella at

Pro-life Film Showing — A special showing of “The Voice of John,” a pro-life film produced here in Pennsylvania, will be held at 6 p.m. Sept. 28 at the Hill City Church, 600 South Poplar Street, in Hazleton. Come see the newly released director’s cut with never before seen footage. The event is free.

40 Days for Life – Join pro-lifers outside abortion centers to pray peacefully for an end to abortion. There will be ten 40-day prayer vigil sites in Pennsylvania this fall. The outreach runs Sept. 25 to Nov. 3. For locations, visit

For more ideas, volunteer opportunities, and events, click here to contact pro-life volunteers in your community.

Seven Ideas for Protecting the Right to Life in October

October is a great month to get involved in the pro-life movement. The month holds multiple chances to participate in pro-life prayer, outreach, and public witnessing against the tragedy of abortion.

This fall, why not make it a goal to do one pro-life activity? Take just a few hours out of one day to participate in an event. You could save a life!

Here are seven ideas for you:

1. Participate in a 40 Days for Life Campaign. Beginning  Wednesday and continuing 40 days through October, the groups will hold constant  vigils outside abortion centers as they pray and fast. Because of these peaceful gatherings, about 6,000 babies have been saved from abortion, 24 abortion centers have closed, and 69 abortion workers have quit their jobs. Find a campaign in your area here.

2. Join a Life Chain on Sunday, October 7. The Life Chain is a public display of prayerful opposition to abortion. Pro-lifers usually gather at a prominent point in town to listen to pro-life speakers and pray. To see if there will be a Life Chain in your area, email us at .

3. Spend one evening in October reading more about the devastating effects of abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia. Our website has a wealth of information about abortion, unplanned pregnancies and alternatives to abortion, stem cell research, legislation, euthanasia, and more.

4. Write a letter to the editor about a pro-life issue. Find tips for writing here.

5. Join a chapter of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation. Our 40 chapters serve as important links in their community to right to life information and advocacy. They organize events such as 40 Days for Life and Life Chains, host special speakers and classes, spread information through billboards and advertisements, and set up informational booths at community events.  Some churches, high schools, and colleges also have pro-life groups. Find a chapter here.

6. Pray for the women who are facing unintended pregnancies, and pray for an end to abortion.

7. Host a bake sale or a baby shower to raise money for your local pregnancy help center. Or volunteer to help at the center for a day. Find a list of pregnancy help centers here.

October is the perfect time to make your voice heard for the preborn!