One person cannot do everything to protect life, but every person can do something.
That’s a message our Executive Director Michael Ciccocioppo shares with pro-lifers when he is out on the road. How true it is.

Bucks County Right to Life volunteers
If you’re one of those people who has always wanted to do something more, this fall is a great time to get involved.
Maybe it’s just taking an hour to read the latest news about what’s happening in the abortion debate in America. Maybe you can help educate other people in your church by requesting our free Respect Life Bulletin insert (Contact us at or 717-541-0034). Maybe you can read a pro-life book such as “Unplanned” by Abby Johnson or “Why Can’t We Love Them Both” by Dr. and Mrs. J.C. Willke. When you’re done, consider donating it to your church or community library so others can read it, too.
Maybe you can participate in one of these upcoming pro-life events in Pennsylvania:
Celebrate Life Banquet — On Oct. 29 in Pittsburgh, join pro-lifers all across Pennsylvania for the pro-life event of the year. This special evening will feature Lila Rose, the young pro-life activist who founded the undercover investigative group Live Action. Register now by calling 717-541-0034 or visiting our website. The banquet benefits the life-saving work of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation Education Fund.
“What I saw at the Gosnell Trial” with journalist J.D. Mullane — at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 15 at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish, Doylestown, in St. Mary’s Hall across the street from the church. J.D. Mullane is a columnist for the Intelligencer and the Courier Times. He reported extensively on the trial of Kermit Gosnell, the West Philadelphia abortionist convicted of murdering newborns. The event is hosted by the Bucks County Right To Life.
Life Chain — Thousands of Life Chain events will be held on Oct. 6 on sidewalks all across the U.S. People will gather to pray and hold pro-life signs as a peaceful public witness about the devastation of legalized abortion. For a list of times and locations, visit and click on “Pennsylvania” on the left side of the screen.
Respect Life Conference — St. Gabriel’s Ministry will host the conference “Building a Respect Life Community” from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 5 at the St. Patrick’s Parish Activity Center, 85 Marsh Drive, Carlisle. Speakers include Monsignor Stuart Swetland, vice president of Catholic Identity, Mount St. Mary’s University; and Maria Gallagher, legislative director of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation. Registration is $25, including lunch. A family rate is available. For more information, contact Patricia Dowling at or Gabriel Marcella at
Pro-life Film Showing — A special showing of “The Voice of John,” a pro-life film produced here in Pennsylvania, will be held at 6 p.m. Sept. 28 at the Hill City Church, 600 South Poplar Street, in Hazleton. Come see the newly released director’s cut with never before seen footage. The event is free.
40 Days for Life – Join pro-lifers outside abortion centers to pray peacefully for an end to abortion. There will be ten 40-day prayer vigil sites in Pennsylvania this fall. The outreach runs Sept. 25 to Nov. 3. For locations, visit
For more ideas, volunteer opportunities, and events, click here to contact pro-life volunteers in your community.