Young, Diverse Generation Is Taking on Pro-Life Mission

I do a lot of online research about pro-life issues, and I always seem to find something new and interesting – and usually not directly related to the thing I was researching.

That’s what happened the other day when I stumbled across this graphic from the Public Religion Research Institute. abortiondiversitybyage

The graphic compares older pro-lifers and younger pro-lifers based on religious affiliation. The older generation of pro-lifers is mostly made up of white Evangelicals, Protestants and Catholics; while the younger generation of pro-lifers is much more diverse.

According to PRRI, “Americans who oppose abortion today look significantly different from their older counterparts. They’re less white, less religious, and have attained higher levels of education. As the anti-abortion movement ramps up efforts to recruit a new generation of advocates, these changing demographics will demand new strategies.”

Our diversity is a reason to celebrate. This graphic shows that the pro-life message truly does resonate with Americans from all walks of life. It’s just further evidence that our mission is strong.

As we approach October, which many Christians celebrate as Respect Life Month, I think we need to keep our changing demographics in mind. The man standing next to you during 40 Days for Life may not be Catholic. The woman holding a Life Chain sign down the street may not be Evangelical. The family donating diapers to the local pregnancy center may not be religious at all.

I just encourage everyone to keep this in mind this fall as pro-lifers gather together at events all across the state. Let’s continue to welcome and build new relationships with pro-lifers in our communities. United, we can become an even stronger force as we work to protect and value every human life.

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