What would you do if legislators supported a bill allowing abortionists like Kermit Gosnell to keep practicing?
What would you say if the bill would force health care workers to perform abortions
against their consciences?
What if that same bill would legalize partial-birth abortion again?
Or allow babies in the womb to be aborted just because they are girls? Or take your tax dollars to pay for abortions?
These proposals may seem too radical for thought, but they’re not fiction.
A pro-abortion bill that would allow these drastic, dangerous measures is up for consideration in the U.S. Senate this week. It’s called the “Women’s Health Protection Act,” but our national affiliate has dubbed it the “Abortion Without Limits Until Birth” Act.
The bill is designed to wipe out all protections against abortion for preborn babies and their mothers. Click here for details. It is similar to the “Freedom of Choice Act” that was championed by Barack Obama when he was a Senator.
While the bill is, thankfully, unlikely to pass the U.S. House, it should concern us that pro-abortion forces are going public with a radical agenda that most Americans don’t support. Perhaps they think most Americans won’t find out what’s really in that act.
Please help us expose this dangerous bill for what it is.