Abortionist, Murderer Kermit Gosnell Gets 30 More Years on Drug Charges

The numbers just keep stacking up in Kermit Gosnell’s crimes.

This spring, he was sentenced three times to life in prison for murdering three newborn babies and for his involvement in the death of a woman inside his filthy abortion center. He also was convicted of dozens of other charges involving his horrific abortion practices in Philadelphia.

On Monday, Jangosnell40uary 16, the former abortionist also was sentenced for the original crimes that caught investigators’ attention — illegal drug distribution.

According to National Right to Life News:

“Gosnell fought the drug charges—charges that he made a fortune writing bogus prescriptions for thousands of OxyContin, Percocet , and Xanax pills, on top of the fortune he made performing late, late abortions almost entirely on women of color.”

Read more here.

PA Abortion Center Loses License Because of Ties to Brigham

New details have emerged confirming that a Philadelphia abortion facility lost its license and can no longer perform abortions because of its ties to notorious abortionist Steven Brigham.


The state found evidence that the facility failed to report affiliations with Brigham when it completed the official Abortion Facility Registration form. Had these affiliations been disclosed, the Department of Health would not have approved the opening of the facility.

Brigham lost his license to practice medicine in Pennsylvania, and he is not allowed to own or be involved with any abortion facilities in the Commonwealth.

The state investigation of the Philadelphia center revealed that it was giving patients the hotline for American Women’s Services, a chain of abortion centers owned by Brigham in New Jersey and Maryland.

The state also found a connection between Integrity’s abortionist, Eric Yahav, and Brigham’s Voorhees, N.J., abortion center.

According to the PA Department of Health, “Integrity failed to disclose Dr. Yahav’s affiliation and/or business relationship with Brigham and/or American Women’s Services in its Abortion Control Act Registration Form.”

Further, this “is grounds for revocation of Department approval for Integrity to operate an abortion facility …” according to the Department.

State Shuts Down Philadelphia Abortion Center

After a thorough investigation, Gov. Tom Corbett’s administration is taking away the license of an abortion facility in Philadelphia alleged to have ties to a notorious abortionist.

The abortion facility, Integrity Family Health, was granted a state permit earlier this fall. However, evidence later came to light that abortionist Steven Brigham was connected with the facility.


Michael Ciccocioppo, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, said, “We commend Governor Corbett and his staff for taking this matter so seriously and investigating it so thoroughly. Even though officials say Brigham was not personally performing abortions at the facility, this action is good news for women and their preborn babies across the Commonwealth.”

The facility’s license has been taken away, and it may no longer perform abortions at this time.

Published reports say Brigham once ran an abortion ring with 15 facilities in four states, including four in Pennsylvania. His Pennsylvania facilities, in Erie, Allentown, State College, and Pittsburgh, have since closed.

Notorious Abortionist May Be Back in Pennsylvania

A new Pennsylvania abortion facility is under investigation because of possible ties to a notorious abortionist.

Steven Brigham has a dubious reputation for harming women and skirting the law. His license to practice medicine has been yanked in Pennsylvania and numerous other states. He is barred from doing abortions in Pennsylvania.images

However, news reports indicate that Brigham may be trying to slip back in through a new abortion facility in Philadelphia called the Integrity Family Health. The facility applied for and was granted a state permit earlier this fall.

According to reports, the toll free number for Brigham’s multi-state abortion business will set up appointments for patients at the new Pennsylvania center.

The Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation is grateful that the Corbett Administration is looking into this matter in the interest of protecting women’s health and safety.

Brigham has a long and sordid history of performing illegal, late-term abortions on viable babies, botching abortions and injuring women, using unsterile equipment, and working in filthy conditions.

Published reports say Brigham once ran an abortion ring with 15 facilities in four states, including four in Pennsylvania. His Pennsylvania facilities, in Erie, Allentown, State College, and Pittsburgh, have since closed.

Journalist Describes Gosnell Trial for Bucks County Pro-Lifers

On October 15, newspaper columnist J.D. Mullane spoke to a packed hall at the parish of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Doylestown, about his experiences at the trial of Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell.

Gosnell was convicted in May of three murder charges, 21 felony counts of illegal late-term abortion, and 211 counts of violating the 24-hour informed consent law.

J.D. Mullane

J.D. Mullane

Mullane told the crowd that his coverage of the Gosnell trial began somewhat unintentionally. He typically only covers local news stories for his newspapers, the Bucks County Courier Times, The Intelligencer, and the Burlington County (NJ) Times.

But a light schedule one day back in April prompted Mullane to attend the trial in center-city Philadelphia. He was looking for a local angle, because some of the women who sought Gosnell’s later-term abortions were from his area.

Mullane called ahead to the Philadelphia courthouse for press credentials, but was told that he could just show up. Somewhat mystified by this lack of competition for a press seat, he was later surprised to see that almost all of the courtroom seats designated for the press were empty. He snapped a cell-phone photo of the empty seats and posted it on Twitter. The picture went viral, and only then did the media begin to pay a little more attention to the trial.

Mullane told the audience that, as the testimony unfolded, it was bad enough to hear descriptions of the routine practices in Gosnell’s abortion mill, how filthy is always was, and how he discriminated against ethnic women by providing even worse than the standard “care” for them.

Additional trial testimony and images were “beyond any Hollywood horror,” including the courtroom presence of one of the bloody chairs where women in late-term pregnancy waited for lethal doses of Gosnell’s drugs to kill their babies before delivery. These drugs were sometimes injected by an untrained 15-year-old girl!

Other grisly testimony included descriptions of the horrendous techniques for murdering born-alive babies after delivery if they survived the toxic drug-brew, and gruesome answers by Gosnell’s staff. For example, a local detective testified that he asked the abortion staff why Gosnell kept jars at home containing remains from aborted babies. Staff members had replied that Gosnell owned a house at the Jersey shore and often used these babies’ remains to bait crab traps set in the nearby ocean waters.

But of course, a “good” abortionist doesn’t do those things. He kills children in a “nice environment.” One such “good” abortionist testified at the Gosnell trial that during his own 30 years of practice; he alone had performed 40,000 abortions.

Since being convicted in May, Gosnell has been interviewed by only one reporter, Steve Volk, from Philadelphia Magazine.

Mullane said he has covered many murder trials, and, in his experience, all murderers have the same empty and evil look in their eyes. He said that he would like to interview Gosnell to see if he has that same look. If Mullane could only ask one question, he said he would definitely ask, “Did Allyson Schwartz ever refer women to your facility for late-term abortions?”

Schwartz is a candidate for governor in Pennsylvania and has been very quiet about her involvement with Kermit Gosnell. Before holding office, she ran an abortion center just a few miles from Gosnell’s. Thus far, she has been unwilling to answer this question, which has been posed to her on several occasions.

Currently, Gosnell writes poetry in prison. How ironic when he is thus far blind to the evil that he and other baby killers have flagrantly inflicted upon our society since 1973 as the lives of more than 55 million infants have been ended by the legalized murder that is abortion.

Only by learning and sharing will we shine light on the evil darkness of abortion mills everywhere and end the death that always occurs there whether the conditions in these mills are filthy or sterile and regardless of when the abortion occurs.

JD Mullane’s public commitment in words and pictures helps us to share these truths; we’re grateful for his work and its impact.

This article was written by Pat Dowling and Charol Abrams, pro-life volunteers with Bucks County Right to Life, which sponsored the event.

Who Were the Babies Who Gosnell Killed?

The Kermit Gosnell trial brought a whirlwind of activity to Pennsylvania last spring.

During the trial, our office was busy responding to media calls, passing along updates on social media, writing blogs and columns, and giving talks all across the state.

Unborn baby pictureNow that Gosnell has been convicted of murder, things have slowed down a bit and I’ve been able to reflect more on the whole horrible situation.

I’ve had the chance to stop and really wonder: Who were these babies who he killed so mercilessly? What would they have looked like? What would their lives have become? We will never know the answers to these questions, but there are some things we do know.

A number of the abortions Gosnell performed were on babies 24 weeks old (the cutoff in Pennsylvania) or older.

At 24 weeks, babies have their own unique fingerprints. They can hiccup and squint, smile and frown. Their hair is starting to grow, and their vocal chords are working. They also can hear sounds outside the womb – a parent’s voice, a song, or maybe a book being read. These babies even can suck their thumbs.

At 24 weeks, they had a good chance of surviving on their own outside their mother’s womb. Twenty-four weeks is considered viability, though younger babies have been born and survived.

It makes me so sad to realize that we will never know more than that about these individuals. And it’s mind boggling to think that we’ll never know 55 million others who suffered similar fates.

The one thing I do know is this: Every single one of those lives was and is valuable. No matter who they were or where they came from or what they had, they deserve the right to life.

In Prison, Gosnell Still Lies about Deaths, Believes He Is Innocent

A new, exclusive interview with convicted murderer Kermit Gosnell has just been published.

gosnell40The interview reveals that the former Philadelphia abortionist still thinks he is innocent. This spring, he was convicted of the murders of three newborn babies and manslaughter of a female patient, Karnamaya Mongar, along with 200-plus violations of our Pennsylvania Abortion Control Act.

Even in prison, he twists his story for the interview.

Gosnell outright lies when he claims one death in 40 years of his medical career (meaning Mongar) doesn’t indicate he had a poor record. I guess the three newborns who he murdered don’t count. Investigators believed he actually murdered hundreds of newborn babies in his “house of horrors,” but they didn’t have enough evidence to convict him of those crimes. And we may never know how many more preborn babies he legally killed in earlier abortions.

We do know that Gosnell was responsible for the serious injuries and deaths of several women. According to the Grand Jury Report, “His entire practice showed nothing but a callous disdain for the lives of his patients. As far back as 1972, he was notorious for his mistreatment of the women who came to him for treatment.” One of the women who died was the cousin of state Rep. Margo Davidson. Watch her story here.

Read more of the interview with Gosnell here.

Gosnell Case Draws Attention to Abortion Horrors in Delaware

Kermit Gosnell was convicted of murdering three newborn infants, but he probably killed hundreds more at his Philadelphia abortion center.

He botched abortions and injured women. He allowed unlicensed staff to perform gosnell40medical procedures, waving off the necessary sanitary and safety procedures. He treated his poor and minority patients differently.

News reports this week delve into the question of why Gosnell was not prosecuted in Delaware, where he also was doing abortions.

Some witnesses said Gosnell’s practices were no different in Delaware than they were in Philadelphia.

The problem, according to news reports, is that investigators did not have enough evidence to prosecute Gosnell in Delaware.

But now authorities have a new abortion investigation on their hands.

Last week, two nurses testified in the Delaware Senate that they quit Planned Parenthood Delaware after witnessing “ridiculously unsafe” conditions.

The similarities to Gosnell’s center are chilling: profit-driven “meat-market style assembly line abortions,” botched abortions that sent women to the hospital, unlicensed staff, and unsanitary conditions.

Hopefully, these reports will serve as a wake-up call to Delaware, just as Gosnell did in Pennsylvania. Abortion centers cannot be left unchecked by the state. When they do, women get hurt and babies die. It’s time to hold abortion centers accountable.

Gallup Poll: Most Americans Aren’t Following Gosnell Case

I enjoy reading polls. Maybe that’s the nerd in me coming out, or maybe it’s just my journalism background. There’s just something about reading that basic data.

So, I was doubly intrigued to see Gallup’s latest poll on Americans’ abortion views and how they have been affected by the horrific Baby feetPhiladelphia abortion practice run by Kermit Gosnell.

The poll showed a few interesting things, some encouraging and some not so much:

First, the poll’s premise is that Gosnell’s murderous practices haven’t swayed Americans’ views on abortion, but that amounts to very little when you look at the data showing how few people are actually following the case.

Only about 25 percent of Americans say they are following the Gosnell story closely. To put that in perspective, Gallup says the level of attention to news stories averages around 61 percent.

Like Gallup, I wonder how much that statistic has to do with the lack of media coverage. Sometimes I have to remind myself that here in Pennsylvania we are getting more news about Gosnell than the rest of the country. Are we the only ones hearing about his murder trial?

Second, more Americans are calling themselves “pro-life.” The “pro-choice” identifier has been declining since 1995. Definitely an encouraging sign!

Third, and perhaps most telling, most Americans (58 percent) believe abortions should be illegal in most or all circumstances. Even women and young people oppose abortions in most cases.

Only 39 percent of those polled say abortions should be legal in all or most circumstances. I wonder if these people, when told the truth about abortion, would change their minds.

If nothing else, I think the poll shows how important it is that we reach out to people with the truth about abortion.

Toomey Calls on Feds to Take Action in Wake of Philadelphia Abortionist’s Murder Trial

HARRISBURG, Pa. – The Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation commends U.S. Senator Pat Toomey, R-Pa., for urging the federal government to investigate abortion policies in the wake of the murder trial of West Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell.

“Our government hasUltrasound: Window to the Womb a long-overdue responsibility to take action to protect women and babies from the likes of Kermit Gosnell,” said Ms. Micaiah Bilger, education coordinator at the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation. “Gosnell is charged with killing four newborn infants and a female patient inside his filthy abortion center. He allegedly killed hundreds of babies and harmed countless women, but the state Department of Health ignored his horrific practices for almost two decades.”

Toomey is among the Senators who are planning to introduce a resolution today that calls on the government to investigate late-term abortion practices and policies across the U.S.

“Sadly, Philadelphia isn’t the only city where we are seeing these horrors take place,” Bilger said. “Abortion centers in Michigan, Maryland and Delaware are being investigated for deplorable conditions such as using unsterilized equipment on patients and performing what their own staff called ‘meat market-style’ abortions.

“We sincerely thank Sen. Toomey for leading the fight to protect women and babies from abusive abortion practices in our nation,” Bilger added.