State Investigates Allentown Abortion Center Allegedly Dodging Facility Inspection

HARRISBURG, Pa. – Documents from an abortion center in Allentown have prompted state officials to investigate whether the center may be dodging unannounced state inspections.

A Planned Parenthood in Allentown allegedly rescheduled abortion procedures after finding out when the Pennsylvania Department of Health planned to inspect the facility, according to documents released to blogger Jill Stanek. The allegations that Planned Parenthood has inside information about inspections prompted speedy action by the Governor.

“Pro-life Governor Tom Corbett’s office is now looking into allegations that abortion giant Planned Parenthood may be getting preferential treatment when it comes to abortion center inspections,” said Maria Gallagher, legislative director of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, an affiliate of National Right to Life. “We commend the Governor for taking swift action to ensure the integrity of the inspection process. The health and safety of women across the Commonwealth are at stake.”

Stanek said the documents came from an informant from the Planned Parenthood Keystone affiliate, which oversees facilities in central and eastern Pennsylvania. One document shows a Planned Parenthood “Changes to Medical Center and Admin Building Schedules.” The schedule was updated on March 11 showing that abortions in Allentown would be moved from Friday, March 21, to Thursday, March 20, due to the Department of Health inspection.

In 2011, Pennsylvania enacted a new law requiring regular and unannounced inspections of abortion centers in an effort to protect the health and safety of women and babies in the Commonwealth.

“Pennsylvania has become a national leader in abortion center regulation and it is critically important that the inspection process not be compromised. We remember all too well the horrors that took place in West Philadelphia under the direction of abortionist and now convicted murderer Kermit Gosnell. We owe it to Gosnell’s victims to learn from the painful lessons of the past,” Gallagher added.

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