Celebrating an F on Pennsylvania’s Report Card

Every year, the radical pro-abortion group NARAL gives out grades based on state laws related to abortion.This year, Pennsylvania got an F on its report card.

Here are some of the reasons why:

  • Choose Life!Women in Pennsylvania must be offered accurate information about the abortion procedure, its risks and alternatives before having an abortion.
  • Our legislature provides money for our state’s innovative Alternatives to Abortion program administered by Real Alternatives, which ensures that pregnant and parenting moms don’t feel like abortion is their only option. This funding goes to pregnancy resource centers, maternity homes, and other social service organizations that offer women physical and emotional support while they are pregnant and parenting.
  • Young women under age 18 must have a parent’s consent before having an abortion.
  • Our state holds abortion centers accountable for meeting basic health and safety standards in their facilities.
  • Abortions are not allowed after a baby is viable outside the womb.

You can see their full list of reasons for our grade on NARAL’s website.

Pennsylvania’s report card is a reason to celebrate. Pro-abortion groups like NARAL are feeling afraid because of these basic, common sense provisions in our state. It’s evidence that we are making a difference. That’s why they gave us an F.

Abortions in Pennsylvania dropped to a historic low in 2013, and more women are being empowered with the resources to choose life for their babies. Please help us keep Pennsylvania a strong leader in the fight to protect babies and their moms from the tragedy of abortion. Click here to find out about how you can get involved.

10 Important Facts about Abortions in Pennsylvania

Abortions reached a historic low in 2013 in Pennsylvania, as unsafe abortion centers shut down and women had better access to life-affirming pregnancy resources. A lot of the credit goes to the thousands of dedicated pro-life volunteers across the state who work to protect every child and mother from the devastation of abortion. mother_and_child

Still, 32,108 abortions happened in 2013, and that means we  have a lot of work to do. The report from the state Department of Health points to key areas where we can focus our efforts.

Here are ten important facts from the report:

1. More than 88 percent of abortions were to unmarried women.

2. For more than half of the women, it was her first abortion.

3. More than half already had at least one child.

4. About 42 percent of abortions were to African American women, a disproportionately high percentage.

5. Most women were in their 20s.

6. Women are increasingly at risk of abortion injuries. The abortion complication rate increased 22 percent in 2013. (Abortion centers do not always report complications to the state; so the rate is probably even higher.)

7. More women are having medical abortions, which have a higher complication rate.

8. Almost all abortions (92.5 percent) were performed during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy, and almost 60 percent were at 8 weeks or earlier.

9. Almost half of all abortions in 2013 were performed in Philadelphia.

10. In 2013, there were 18 freestanding, non-hospital abortion facilities in Pennsylvania.

To me, many of these facts seem to indicate that women need better support. They are facing a pregnancy without a commitment from the baby’s father. They may have other children They may be in school or just starting a career. They may be told the lie that in the first trimester, it’s not a real baby yet — just a blob of tissue.

Because of pregnancy education and support, more women are choosing life for their babies; but we need your help to keep providing education and support to more Pennsylvania families.

If you are pregnant and need help, click here or call the Pennsylvania pregnancy hotline at 1-888-LIFE-AID to find free, confidential, caring support near you.

New Bill Would Deny PA Women Information about Abortion Risks

By Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director

The abortion industry and its allies are lobbing another legislative weapon in their War on Women.

Women Have a Right to Know!The weapon of choice, in this case, is a deceptively named Pennsylvania bill called the “Patient Trust Act.”

House Bill 2303 is sponsored by known abortion advocate Rep. Dan Frankel (D-Allegheny County). The Senate version, Senate Bill 1456, is sponsored by a one-time pro-life legislator who is now running for Lieutenant Governor on a pro-abortion platform, Sen. Mike Stack (D-Philadelphia County).

The sponsors, who are being championed by a pro-abortion blog which partners with the nation’s largest abortion operation, Planned Parenthood, claim they are trying to rid politics from the doctor-patient relationship. But the legislation would do exactly the opposite — insert politics where it does not belong.

The bills state that health care practitioners should not be required to provide information to a patient that is not “medically accurate.” The legislation also says that the government should not require a health professional to perform a medical service that is not “evidence-based.”

Who could argue with that? Even pro-life legislators may be deceived into sponsoring it.

But the devil is in the details.

In their quest for legitimacy, the sponsors are pointing to a report by the National Partnership for Women & Families, which claims that a political agenda is “undermining women’s health care.”

One problem here. The group has a radically pro-abortion political agenda of its own. The organization—and the legislation’s sponsors—are upset with common sense protective laws that inform women about the risks of abortion. That is their real aim—to prevent women from obtaining critical information about abortion-related health risks.

And this points to the radical nature of the pro-abortion movement. They want to declare an information blackout in abortion facilities. They want to ignore scientifically-based research showing that abortion can increase a woman’s risk of sterility, substance abuse, depression, and premature delivery of subsequent babies. If a woman knows that, she might think twice about having an abortion—and that could hurt the abortion facilities’ bottom line.

Keeping women uninformed leaves them vulnerable—weak, rather than empowered. Beware of “patient trust” legislation which may be coming to your state. It’s not about good medicine. It’s about preventing the kinds of protective laws which can help women make sound health decisions that positively impact themselves and their families.