Sailing Around Pro-Life Laws: The Abortion Boat and the Feds

Abortion proponents are skirting past laws meant to protect women and preborn children.

The latest group to literally sail around abortion laws is the Women on Waves abortion boat. The Dutch-based pro-abortion group sails a boat to countries that do not allow abortions, and performs chemical abortions off of the coast of pro-life nations. The group’s latest target is Morocco.

The Women on Waves boat gives abortions using RU-486, a dangerous and often ineffective drug that suffocates the preborn baby and causes dangerous side effects.

Earlier this year, our own federal government also skipped over state laws limiting funds to abortion providers. In a special October series, Americans United for Life exposes the Obama Administration’s staunch support for Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider. After six states decided to end taxpayer funding for the abortion provider, the Obama Administration overrode their laws and provided federal grants to make up for the abortion giant’s lost funding.

We entrust our elected officials with the responsibility of enacting laws that protect our rights – the first being our right to life. When groups skirt past these laws, they show their disregard for our government’s laws, our voters, the women who these laws are designed to protect, and most of all our very right to life – from conception to natural death.

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