A Bizarre Pro-Abortion Fundraiser

Ice cream

By Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director

It is the ultimate in poor taste.  The Oregon branch of the pro-abortion lobbying group known as NARAL is promoting ice cream for sale. But not just any ice cream, mind you. NARAL Pro-Choice Oregon went to Twitter to tout a “new custom flavor” which was “made exclusively for” the abortion promoter. The flavor is called “Rocky Roe v. Wade.”

That’s beyond bizarre. It’s sickening, considering the more than 60 million precious preborn children who have lost their lives to abortion since the tragic 1973 U.S. Supreme Court ruling Roe v. Wade. It is also nauseating when you think about what that court decision ultimately led to—the atrocity of partial-birth abortion, where a baby is partly delivered, then killed. The decision can also be credited with the ultimate in creepiness—the grisly trade of abortionist Kermit Gosnell, who is serving a life sentence in  connection with the murders of three full-term babies. He was also responsible for the death of immigrant patient Karnamaya Mongar.

To take a treat prized by children—ice cream—and turn it into a cash cow for a pro-abortion lobbying group is outrageous. It also shows the insensitivity toward the countless mothers who grieve children lost to abortion.

There is no “fun” in this fundraiser—only the bitter aftertaste spawned by forty-five years of abortion on demand.



President Trump Takes Bob Casey to Task

By Maria  Gallagher, Legislative Director

Pro-life President Donald Trump took Democratic U.S. Senator Bob Casey to task for failing to support Supreme Court nominees.

Bob Casey

At a packed rally in Wilkes-Barre Thursday, the President noted that Casey vowed to oppose his Supreme Court pick–even before the name of the nominee had been released.

Previously, Casey–who has an 80 percent pro-abortion voting record–opposed Judge Neil Gorsuch for the High Court. This, despite Gorsuch’s stellar record and qualifications.

Now, Casey is standing squarely against eminently qualified Judge Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court. In sharp contrast, Pennsylvania’s other U.S. Senator, Republican Pat Toomey, supported both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh is a strict constructionist who has vowed to refrain from making laws from the bench. He is dedicated to the principle of preserving the Constitution, and not reading into it “rights” which do not appear there.

The Second Victim in Every Abortion


By Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director

Whenever I contemplate the effect of abortion on women, I think of a friend I will refer to as “Jessica.”

A boyfriend pressured Jessica into an abortion when she was a young teenager. She felt she had no say in the matter, and she believed she was powerless.

Years later, she firmly believes that if a single person had supported a decision for life on the day of abortion, her baby would not have died. A noteworthy national poll bears that out. The survey of post-abortive women indicated that the vast majority of respondents would have decided against abortion if just one person had offered support. Just one!

Jessica has now dedicated her life to being that “one person.” I have lost count of the number of women and children she has helped through her outreach.

Mothers are the second victims in any abortion. They are left to grieve their children–often alone and in silence. I thank all the dedicated pro-lifers who reach out to these women, offering them the chance at hope and healing following their abortions.

Let us never forget the terrible wounds inflicted on women by abortion trauma. Roe v. Wade, the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court case legalizing abortion, was an assault on both women  and children which cannot stand.

Challenging Preconceptions About Roe

Supreme CourtBy Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director

I was disheartened recently while watching Fox News coverage of the U.S. Supreme Court.

A news anchor cited a misleading poll purporting that more than 60 percent of Americans support Roe v. Wade, the tragic Supreme Court decision which legalized abortion on demand. The anchor was interviewing an editor with the Washington Examiner newspaper. When the editor tried to explain the false impression left by the poll, the anchor quickly shouted him down.

The fact is that most Americans do not know that Roe meant abortions for any reason during all nine months of pregnancy. They also do not realize that Roe led to the outrageous practice of partial-birth abortion, where a baby is partly delivered, then killed. They also do not recognize the fact that Roe gave rise to the massive tragedy in West Philadelphia, where abortionist Kermit Gosnell was ultimately found guilty of the murders of three full-term babies and the death of a female patient, Karnamaya Mongar.

A Fox News Sunday interview left me similarly disappointed. The head of the abortion lobbying group NARAL was interviewed, without counterpoint, about the Supreme Court. The NARAL spokeswoman claimed that most people are “pro-choice” because they believe in compassionate, healthy choice.

But abortion is not compassionate for the child who is killed. And how can it be a mark of compassion when you leave a woman to grieve a baby who has been unnecessarily lost to abortion?

“Choice” is unhealthy when it results in the death of a baby in the womb. It is also quite unhealthy for those mothers who turn to alcohol and drugs to numb their pain.

The compassionate, healthy choice in the abortion equation is the choice for life. If only mainstream news anchors would recognize that fundamental truth, we would be well on our way to building a culture of life. Until that day comes, we must work through polite persuasion to convince the news media of the rightness of the pro-life cause.


Barletta, Casey a Study in Contrasts

By Maria Gallagher, Legislative DirectorLou Barletta

The two Pennsylvania candidates vying for the U.S. Senate this year are a study in contrasts, as far as their positions on the life issues are concerned. Congressman Lou Barletta, a Republican, has a 100 percent pro-life voting record. He supports a ban on taxpayer funding of organizations that perform abortions, such as the abortion giant Planned Parenthood. He supported the Supreme Court nominations of strict constructionists Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. He also supported the repeal of anti-life Obamacare.

Meanwhile, Senator Bob Casey, a Democrat, has an 80 percent pro-abortion voting record. He opposes a ban on taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood. He also opposed the Supreme Court nominations of Gorsuch and Cavanaugh. In addition, he opposed the repeal of the anti-life Obamacare health care plan.

Pennsylvania voters will head to the polls Nov. 6.



Bob Casey Disappoints Constituents–Again

By Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director

Democratic U.S. Senator Bob CBob Caseyasey of Pennsylvania has disappointed his constituents yet again.

The politician, who has an 80 percent pro-abortion voting record according to the National Right to Life scorecard, decided to oppose pro-life President Donald Trump’s nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court–even before the nominee was named.

Without a single hearing, Casey said he would not support the nominee “because it represents a corrupt bargain with the far right, big corporations, and Washington special interests.”

Casey’s statement is factually incorrect. Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a well-respected jurist who has pledged to interpret the Constitution as it is written. He has promised to be independent, so he can hardly be considered a puppet of special interests.

Casey has disappointed his constituents time and time again. He opposed Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court, despite the judge’s stellar judicial record. Casey also blindly supports Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion operation.

In contrast, Casey’s Republican opponent, Congressman Lou Barletta, supported both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. He also supports a ban on taxpayer funding of organizations, such as Planned Parenthood, which perform abortions.

Yet, again, Pennsylvania citizens are being reminded that Casey stands in stark contrast to his father, the late Governor Robert Casey, Sr., whose principled and unwavering pro-life stand inspired people around the nation.

Oprah’s Magazine Encourages Women to Shout Their Abortions

WomanBy Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director

magazine, the publication published by media mogul Oprah Winfrey, contains a jarring image in its latest edition. It shows a woman with a t-shirt that encourages women to “shout” their abortions.

Pro-abortion stories by the media are nothing new. But the boldness and insensitivity shown by this article are especially troubling.

Women across the country testify that they have been greatly harmed by abortion and its aftermath.

Consider the courageous women who have submitted their testimonies to the organization known as the Silent No More Awareness Campaign. Women such as Wanda from California:

“It’s (a) real LIVE human being, YOUR baby, please take it from me!  It is something you will forever regret!”

Or Erica from Hawaii:

“After the abortion, I felt humiliated.  I felt isolated and alone. Co-workers called to check on me after the procedure, but I had to lie about what it was for to protect my job. I was tired of lying and stopped taking their calls. I cried alone in my bed for days. Eventually, I had to go back to work and tried to pretend things were okay, but they weren’t.”

Or Marianne from New York:

“I want to share my story and be silent no more about all the lies that are perpetrated about abortion. They tell you that you will feel relief, but you feel terrible guilt. The pro-choice movement does a big injustice to women, feeding them lies.”

These brave women, and countless others like them, are not shouting their abortions. They are crying out in pain. Let’s respect these women by listening to them and reaching out to them in love. In this way, their wounds can heal, and they can truly be silent no more.

Thailand Cave Rescue Shows Value of Life










By Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director

The  Thailand cave rescue that has gripped the world over the past few days clearly demonstrates the incredible value of human life.

I have seen hardened cable news anchors moved almost to the point of tears as they relate the fear of the parents whose children are trapped in the cave.

People of all ages and backgrounds are routing for the rescuers to deliver the soccer players to a place of safety. We desperately want those precious children to be saved.

Why? Because we know those children are an amazing gift, and that their lives are priceless. We believe that round-the-clock rescue operations are absolutely essential, because we believe no burden is too great in trying to protect those boys.

This is the same principle which guides the pro-life movement. We recognize the intrinsic value of all human life and we know that it needs to be cherished and preserved.

If only all those who are rooting for the soccer players would also cheer for the children in the womb. What a kinder, more compassionate world it would be!


How Feminism Betrayed Women on Abortion


Sad woman at the window

Sad woman at the window








By Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director

A new book shows quite clearly how modern feminism betrayed women with its embrace of abortion on demand.

Sex Matters by Mona Charen describes quite clearly and convincingly how legal abortion has done tremendous harm to women in the U.S.

Charen writes of feminist icon Betty Friedan, author of The Feminine Mystique, “It is a deep tragedy that she never saw how cruel a thing she embraced by endorsing abortion on demand.”

Charen wisely points out that the women who lobbied for the right to vote in the early part of the 20th century “recoiled from abortion.” But that for the feminist leaders of the ’60s and ’70s abortion was a “sacrament of their secular religion.” She notes that there is a “certain brutality in the feminist approach to abortion.” This is because feminists asked women to “harden their hearts against the most vulnerable members of the human family.”

Pro-abortion forces promote a narrative that obscures certain realities. For instance, the U.S. has a waiting list of individuals who wish to adopt children. In fact, couples line up for the opportunity to adopt children who have been diagnosed with Down syndrome.

As Charen posits, the feminists’ “callousness toward the unborn is not only morally blind, but it betrays the traditional feminine sensitivity to the needs and welfare of children.”

Sex Matters is a bold treatise which demonstrates the fundamental flaws in the pro-abortion argument. That it is written by a woman shows that abortion culture does not have the appeal to many women that abortion promoters claim.





Reflecting on the Special Olympics and the Right to Life


Down syndrome picture

By Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director

I was watching television the other night when I happened to catch a portion of the opening ceremonies for the Special Olympics in Seattle. It was the most inspiring program I had seen all week. There was palpable joy as the competitors danced and sang with abandon. The scene made me reflect once more on the fundamental right to life of all children–including those with special needs.

It is truly alarming that the vast majority of American children diagnosed with Down syndrome in the womb are aborted. These children are precious and worthy of protection. The Special Olympics showcases their athletic abilities, their heart, and their hope.

When parents learn that their preborn children may be born with Down syndrome, they may be frightened, confused, and struggling for answers. Thanks to legislation such as Pennsylvania’s Chloe’s Law, parents are offered resources and assistance at the time of the diagnosis so they will not feel so alone.

But more needs to be done. That’s why we urge Pennsylvania residents to contact their state Senators and encourage them to pass House Bill 2050, the Down Syndrome Protection Act. This common sense bill would ban abortion for the sole reason of a Down syndrome diagnosis.

Discrimination against people with disabilities must end. That includes the ultimate form of discrimination–ending a life in the womb. With your help, we will save the next generation of Special Olympians, ensuring that they receive a place of honor on the athletic field, in our families, and in our communities.