PA Girl with Down Syndrome to be Featured in Times Square

ChloeKondrich By Maria V. Gallagher, Legislative Director

One of Pennsylvania’s own will soon be gracing the big screen at Times Square in New York.

Sixteen-year-old Chloe Kondrich, a vivacious student who happens to have Down syndrome, will be featured on the big double screen September 14th. Her captivating photo will be part of a presentation by the National Down Syndrome Society.

Chloe’s photo has been displayed in Times Square before–but each time is a thrill for her and her family. In her young life, Chloe has already accomplished a great deal–from meeting the President and Vice-President to hobnobbing with sports figures and musical stars.

Chloe demonstrates quite clearly the amazing capabilities of children with Down syndrome. She is also the face behind Chloe’s Law–a Pennsylvania measure which ensures that parents whose babies have received a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome receive access to educational resources and support for the journey ahead.

Chloe has been lobbying for a new bill–House Bill 321–which would ban abortion for the sole reason of a prenatal Down syndrome diagnosis. The bill has passed the PA House of Representatives by a resounding margin and is now pending in the PA Senate.

If you live in Pennsylvania, please consider calling and emailing your state Senator and urging him or her to support HB 321. Let them know that children with Down syndrome deserve our protection, our respect, and equal rights under the law.