We are All Born Pro-Life

By Bonnie Finnerty, Education Director

Her spirited bounce down the path to our display got my attention.  Her wispy curls pulled into a ponytail and ample rosy cheeks melted my heart.  As she got closer to us and saw the treasure that awaited, her big brown eyes twinkled. I was completely enchanted.  She picked up the fetal model and her delight became palpable.

She first raised the baby in the air, marveling at it. She then imparted a gentle kiss. Creation toddler holding babyCreation toddler kissing baby

Cradling the 30-week fetus in her arms, she listened as her mother softly whispered that this is what mommies grow in their bellies, a beautiful precious human life.

She’s only three years old, but she instinctively knows a truth that many adults and our world at large have long forgotten. She knew this truth even before her mother spoke a word.  Life is precious. It is a gift to be celebrated and cherished. And protected.

She needed no prompting. Her affection was genuine and unlimited. Loving this baby came so naturally, even to a toddler.

She was the very last person with whom I interacted at Creation Music Fest, where we had shown the humanity of the preborn to thousands of people with our fetal model display, witnessing their fascination with life within the womb and their sadness at how disposable it has become.  Our table was steadily busy for three days, and we had many productive and informative exchanges with passersby.  This sweet little girl was the last to visit before we closed up. How perfectly profound, as she left me with a beautiful truth to take home and ponder.

We are all born pro-life.

Show a small child a fetal model or a picture of an ultrasound and ask him or her what it is.  Do the same with an older child.  They readily identify a baby, a living human being in its earliest form of development.

It is so clearly self-evident to those who have not had the world un-teach this to them.  It is so clearly self-evident because it is nature’s beautiful plan, and the most innocent among us honor what is natural.

Abortion is the most un-natural thing in the world. And it violates what all of us, especially children, know to be right, true, and good.

We are all born pro-life, but some allow themselves to be corrupted by a confused world, becoming defenders and promoters of abortion.  I think of this little girl and wonder how did these people get so very far away from a self-evident truth, one that is written on our very hearts?

Is it doubt, fear, desperation, misguided compassion, greed, rationalization, de-humanization or a combination of these that steal this basic truth from them?  I don’t know the answer.  What I do know is life begins at conception. Life is precious. Life is to be treated with dignity and protected from harm.

Even a 3 year old knows that. May she never allow the world to un-teach her that fundamental truth.

Pro-Life Volunteers Offer Hope to Hurting at Creation Festival

Last week, six volunteers and I ran a pro-life outreach table at the annual Creation music festival in Central Pennsylvania. This year, I was surprised by the number of people seeking post-abortion healing.

P1060071One man in his 30s came up to ask how he could become involved. He shared his desire to serve in inner city Philadelphia where he grew up. After talking for a while, he told me that he and his girlfriend had an abortion many years ago.

P1060077McKennaugh, one of our volunteers, talked with a teenager who asked a number of questions about abortion. Her face grew more and more troubled as McKennaugh kindly explained when a baby’s heart begins beating and showed her what a baby looks like at 12 weeks gestation. The teen then revealed that she had had an abortion. McKennaugh tried to console her and offer information about post-abortion healing programs, but she ran away.P1060103

Our volunteer Tiffany listened as another teen shared about how troubled she was by her sister’s abortions. Tiffany offered her information about pregnancy and parenting support, as well as post-abortion healing programs.

These were just a few of our experiences across the four-day festival. By the end, we had given away almost all of our post-abortion healing materials.

We do outreach at Creation every year, but I’ve never heard as many abortion stories as I did this year. Abortion is a painful, controversial topic; and most people avoid it — especially when it has affected them personally. But this year, people opened up to us.

I pondered the fact with our executive director yesterday when I returned to the office, and he suggested that it was because of our volunteers’ attitudes. Thinking back across the week, I believe he is right.

Our volunteers this year were young, passionate pro-lifers who approached people with the utmost kindness and compassion as they shared the truth about abortion. They listened and spoke in love, even to several pro-choice people who approached our table. I know at least one pro-choice person walked away impressed by what we said.

The experience reminded me of how important it is that we be approachable as pro-lifers, that we exhibit an attitude of love. Our young volunteers touched hearts last week by speaking the truth in love. They shared about post-abortion healing programs and pregnancy hotlines, answered challenging questions, and listened to people who just needed to talk.

And as a result, I believe more people today are finding access to the help and healing they need.

If you know someone who is hurting after an abortion, visit RachelsVineyard.org.