Encouraging a Dialogue for Life!

Stephanie Gray By Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director

I remember a friend asking me a series of questions long ago. The question-and-answer session helped to cement my pro-life views and ultimately led me to advocacy for pregnant women, children, people with disabilities, and the frail elderly.

As pro-lifers, we need to ask questions of those who believe they hold a “pro-choice” position on abortion. I am not talking a “60 Minutes”-style inquisition. I am speaking about questions which gently lead to understanding and eventually the truth.

This technique is brilliantly on display in the book Love Unleashes Life by noted pro-life speaker Stephanie Gray. Gray has shared her intelligent, well-reasoned rationale for life with audiences around the world. Gray is a staunch advocate for asking a number of questions to ascertain why a person is accepting of abortion and helping that individual to realize the rightness of the pro-life position.

This technique strikes me as being especially important in these times. For instance, is a person with a “pro-choice” position really for abortion up to the moment of birth? Do they oppose any and all limits on abortion, or do they see circumstances in which abortion should be restricted? Once apprised of the milestones in the development of an unborn child, such as a heart beating as early as 24 days after conception, do they see the humanity of the child in the womb?

The pro-life movement thrives on human connection. We must be prepared to reach out–even to people who may be initially hostile to our message. The more we can learn about how they arrive at their viewpoint, the more we can hone our argumentation to get to the crux of the issue.

It is possible to speak civilly about abortion. People such as Stephanie Gray prove it everyday. Why not follow their impressive lead?

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