Diagram of a dismemberment abortion
I recently had the opportunity to read a Newsweek.com article entitled, “Nigerian Slaves Have Organs Harvested, Bodies Mutilated and Are Set on Fire, Horrifying Pictures Claim.” The piece chronicled modern day slavery taking place across Libya. My first thought was of sadness for the people being subjected to such horrific acts, but then I realized that what is happening there is no worse than what happens in the United States.
Every day in the United States abortion centers are mutilating bodies in barbaric and horrific dismemberment abortions, a procedure in which a pre-born baby is torn from the mother’s womb limb by limb. Significant evidence exists to believe that, in many of these abortions, the abortion center is harvesting aborted baby body parts and selling them. Even the justification is similar. The Libyans accused of committing these atrocities consider those they are enslaving sub-human, much like pro-abortion activists consider the pre-born baby as not a person.
Thankfully, we are working to end the atrocity of abortion in the United States. In fact, recently in Pennsylvania the House of Representatives Health Committee passed Senate Bill 3, a bill that would end the barbaric practice of dismemberment abortion in Pennsylvania. We hope that, with a lot of work by pro-life advocates in Pennsylvania and across the country, we will soon make abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia not just illegal but unthinkable. That will give us the moral high ground when it comes to combating atrocities in other parts of the world.