Where the Candidates for Governor Stand on Life

Our Legislative Director Maria Gallagher just finished a new fact sheet comparing Gov. Tom Corbett and challenger Tom Wolf on abortion and taxpayer funding of abortion.

Click here find out where the candidates stand on these important issues.NRLC-Vote

Abortion rates have been dropping in Pennsylvania in the past four years, and abortion centers have been closing their doors. But there is still a lot of work to do.

Every 15 minutes, a baby dies in an abortion in Pennsylvania. Every 15 minutes, we are losing another precious human life in our state. Every 15 minutes, a woman is being subjected to an abortion, a tragedy that may stay with her for the rest of her life.

Babies and their moms deserve better than abortion. Pennsylvania needs leaders who are dedicated to supporting and protecting both baby and mom from this far too common tragedy.

Election Day is Tuesday, November 4 in Pennsylvania. If you aren’t registered to vote, you still have time to. Click here for details.

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