How Many Babies Are Missing in Your County Due to Abortion?

Abortion is a crisis in our nation. 55 million babies have died because of it.

But 55 million is a difficult number to relate to. It’s hard for me to picture 55 million of anything. The number is just unimaginable.

So, when I need some perspective, I look at abortion numbers in my home community. Below is a list from the Pennsylvania Department of Health with the number of babies who died in abortions by county in 2012.

When I look at the list and the number beside my county, it reminds me of how real abortion is. I wonder whose baby isn’t crying next door, or whose child I won’t see playing in the park down the street. I think about how there will be nine fewer children starting kindergarten in a few years.

It can be easy to distance ourselves from the reality that abortion brutally kills preborn babies. So, I challenge you to think about the babies who aren’t here anymore, the babies who would have been. Please find your county and think about the number after it. If you’re a praying person, pray.

And then I challenge you to act. Get involved in protecting life in your community. With your help, we can get these numbers down to zero and restore protections for every single human life.


CountiesAbortion2012-2(Please forgive me for the poor quality of these documents. I was having trouble formatting them. If you would like to see the numbers in the full report from the state Department of Health, click here. They are located on pages 4-5.)

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