In Prison, Gosnell Still Lies about Deaths, Believes He Is Innocent

A new, exclusive interview with convicted murderer Kermit Gosnell has just been published.

gosnell40The interview reveals that the former Philadelphia abortionist still thinks he is innocent. This spring, he was convicted of the murders of three newborn babies and manslaughter of a female patient, Karnamaya Mongar, along with 200-plus violations of our Pennsylvania Abortion Control Act.

Even in prison, he twists his story for the interview.

Gosnell outright lies when he claims one death in 40 years of his medical career (meaning Mongar) doesn’t indicate he had a poor record. I guess the three newborns who he murdered don’t count. Investigators believed he actually murdered hundreds of newborn babies in his “house of horrors,” but they didn’t have enough evidence to convict him of those crimes. And we may never know how many more preborn babies he legally killed in earlier abortions.

We do know that Gosnell was responsible for the serious injuries and deaths of several women. According to the Grand Jury Report, “His entire practice showed nothing but a callous disdain for the lives of his patients. As far back as 1972, he was notorious for his mistreatment of the women who came to him for treatment.” One of the women who died was the cousin of state Rep. Margo Davidson. Watch her story here.

Read more of the interview with Gosnell here.

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