Check Out New Edition of Our Pennsylvania Pro-Life Newspaper

It’s here! The Summer 2015 issue of our LifeLines newspaper is hot off the presses.

LifeLinesSummer2015deskphotoOur team puts a lot of effort into every issue of LifeLines, and this summer’s edition is no exception. In this issue:

  • The Fight for Life – and Against Assisted Suicide in Pennsylvania
  • State Government Website Linked Women to Pro-Abortion Group
  • First-place student essays from this year’s Pennsylvania Pro-Life Essay Contest
  • Healing programs for women and men who have been involved in abortions
  • ANNOUNCING: Our 2015 Celebrate Life Banquet speakers – Don’t miss this special event!
  • Real Alternatives celebrates 20 years of helping Pennsylvania moms and babies
  • And more …

Click here to read our LifeLines Summer 2015 issue online. We hope you enjoy it!

Vote Shows Many Senators Had Serious Concerns about Cortes, Nominee from Gosnell Era

By Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director

This week’s vote in the Pennsylvania Senate on the confirmation of a Wolf Administration nominee shows continuing concerns that the Keystone State will return to the lax enforcement of abortion law seen during the Kermit Gosnell era.


Kermit Gosnell

Eighteen state Senators voted against confirmation for Pedro Cortes as Secretary of State. Cortes previously served in that capacity at a time when the Department of State took no action against notorious abortionist Kermit Gosnell. Gosnell is now serving time for killing three full-term babies and causing the death of a female patient. The grand jury believed that Gosnell was actually responsible for the deaths of hundreds of babies, but charges could only be filed in a handful of cases because he destroyed the records in the rest.

While 31 Senators voted for confirmation for Cortes, the sizeable number of negative votes demonstrates that a number of people in the state legislature have lingering worries about the Gosnell case.

In fact, more than 40 PA lawmakers in the PA House and Senate signed a letter to the governor raising concerns about Cortes. The letter stated, “To fully understand the gravity of the failures of the department throughout Secretary Cortes’ service, one needs to read directly from the grand jury’s damaging report.

According to the grand jury report: “Between 2002 and 2009, Board of Medicine attorneys reviewed five cases involving malpractice and other complaints against Gosnell. None of the assigned attorneys or their supervisors, suggested that the Board take action against the deviant doctor. In fact, despite serious allegations, three of the cases were closed without any investigation. The other two were investigated and then closed — without any action being taken.”

The letter from the lawmakers notes, “In his resume and biography Secretary Cortes takes credit for various achievements in dealing with occupational and professional licensure complaints and investigations during his tenure. Yet at the same time he takes no responsibility for the documented blatant failures of those same units under his leadership.”

The letter goes on to say, “…it is deeply troubling to us that you would nominate someone for such an important position as Secretary of the Commonwealth despite his deep ties to this national nightmare.”

The Wolf Administration has been put on notice — the old lax attitudes toward enforcement of abortion law will not be tolerated. We owe it to Gosnell’s victims to remain vigilant, to ensure that the PA Department of State cracks down on dangerous doctors who threaten the health and safety of women and children in the Commonwealth.

Remembering Gosnell’s Conviction – Even Though We Want to Forget

Exactly two years ago, Kermit Gosnell was convicted of murdering three newborn babies and manslaughter in the death of a female patient in his Philadelphia abortion facility.

SadwomanOn this anniversary of his conviction, I must admit that I hate thinking about Gosnell. I wish I never had to speak or write his name. In all honesty, I wish I never had to write or think about abortion either. Sometimes the horror of 57 million legally-aborted babies seems too much to bear.

I don’t want to think about how Gosnell stabbed the necks of newborn infants who were moving and moaning, according to his staff.

I don’t want to think about the 24 late-term babies who Gosnell was convicted of aborting past our state limit. Or the hundreds more who he likely killed but prosecutors didn’t have enough evidence to convict him on.

I don’t want to think about Karnamaya Mongar who died because Gosnell put his pocketbook above the health and safety of his patients.

I don’t want to think about the women who lay suffering in pain and agony on his filthy, blood-stained furniture because Gosnell just didn’t care.

But I must. We must.

Gosnell got away with murder for decades because our society ignored this monster. We now know the consequences. And because we’ve realized, because we remember, our society is stepping up.

In the past three years alone, states passed a record 205 pro-life laws, according to the Guttmacher Institute. Since the Gosnell horrors came to light, six abortion centers closed in Pennsylvania. And abortions dropped to a historic low in Pennsylvania. Today, Pennsylvania leaders continue to work hard to hold abortion centers accountable and strive to protect women and children from abortionists like Gosnell. Likewise other states are beginning to demand more from abortion facilities — as they should!

We are making progress. We are saving lives — because we refuse to forget.

Abortion Advocates ‘Glitter Bomb’ PA Pregnancy Centers, Frame PA Pro-Life Chapter

By Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director

During her early school age years, my daughter loved to talk about all the things she could do with glitter and glue. By adding in construction paper, she could make magic. I still treasure one of the glitter-filled ornaments she handcrafted one Christmas.

photo 1

“Glitter bomb” letter sent to a Pennsylvania pregnancy center in Fayette County

I find it particularly ironic then, that the pro-abortion community would choose to use one of the staples of childhood, glitter, to spread their anti-child message.

You may have seen reports about individuals receiving “glitter bombs” in the mail. These are nondescript envelopes which are filled with mounds of glitter. The unlucky recipient does not learn of the prank until after he or she has opened the envelope and the glitter spills out onto hands, clothes, and desks. In short, it creates quite a mess—much more of a mess than the typical elementary school student doing a craft project.

In March, the Washington Times reported that Congressman Jeff Fortenberry (R-Nebraska) received a glitter bomb “apparently in retaliation for the Congressman’s pro-life stance.”

A note which came with the glitter bomb read, “Congrats, you’ve earned this for denying women their right to choice. Mind your own uterus.”

The Congressman’s staff notified the police, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the postal inspector.

Now, a pro-abortion glitter bomber has struck in Pennsylvania, targeting pregnancy help centers. This time, the assailant is trying to disguise his or her whereabouts by fraudulently using the address of a local chapter of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation as the return address.

The Luzerne County-based chapter, known as the Wyoming Valley Pennsylvanians for Human Life in Wilkes-Barre, learned of the prank when long-time chapter president Betty Caffrey received one of the letters that had been sent to the chapter because of a bad address.

Fellow chapter leader Chris Calore said, “An angered pro-abortion soul or group has acted against our Wyoming Valley Chapter, Pennsylvanian’s for Human Life, (Wilkes-Barre) by anonymous mailings this May. Illegally using our return address, they are mailing glitter in envelope to dozens of crisis pregnancy center’s statewide to mess up their desks. Such letters, with glitter, read: “glitter bombs for choice — you have earned this glitter bomb for your deplorable work in fetus fetishism. Congratulations! Love, gB4C.”

Calore said they received at least nine calls from different pregnancy centers. The chapter is planning on filing a complaint with the U.S. Postal Service.

Andrea Pritts, executive director of Alternatives Yes Pregnancy Support Center in Fayette County, says they were among those receiving the latest round of glitter bombs. “There was really not even much glitter in the envelope, and the glitter was actually pretty, though their message was not. I will never understand how someone can hate what we do.”

It is mystifying that someone who claims to be supportive of women’s rights would hate the work of those who provide compassionate counseling and material support to women facing challenging pregnancies. The harassing letters are meant to intimidate. But the truth of the matter is that love is always stronger than hate, and the love that pregnancy care centers and other pro-life organizations offer to women in need is limitless. It cannot be overcome by a few glitter bombs and nasty notes.

The glitter bomb campaign also clearly demonstrates the irrationality of the pro-abortion movement. Pro-abortion activists would rather throw glitter bombs than have a serious discussion about what exactly takes place during an abortion, along with the long-term implications of abortion for both women and men. To say that life begins at conception and should be protected at every stage is the rational position. To say to the contrary that life cannot be defined, that it is subject to another person’s “choice,” is completely irrational. Far easier to send hate mail than engage in an intelligent debate about what Roe v. Wade has actually brought us: more than 57 million deceased children, countless numbers of women maimed and scarred, untold numbers of men suffering in silence.

All that glitter cannot hide the inherent ugliness of abortion.

Encouraging Words from Pro-Life Students in Pennsylvania

The results of our annual student contests never fail to impress me.

Every spring, hundreds of students from across the Commonwealth send us pro-life essays for our annual pro-life essay contest.

babies on a light backgroundOur judges are almost ready to announce the 2015 winners, so check back soon. But in the meantime, I want to share a small sample of the passionate, poignant, encouraging, and creative words that I read in students’ essays this spring. I hope that their words will encourage you, as they did me.

“Every baby, human, or soul created has a purpose. God does not make junk.” — Abigail

“There are many reasons why I’m glad my mother chose life for me over abortion … friends, family, food, and other things I love. … I also would never have experienced leg room because the womb would have been a bit cramped.” – Isaiah

“This silent horror is called abortion, and it is a national disgrace.” — Martyna

“Abortion is a terrible thing. You could actually equate it to walking up to a child on the street and killing them. Who would do such a thing? Not many, if more people thought of it this way.” — Eli

“To be pro-life is not just a stance on abortion but a way of life.” – Kelsey

“Every one of those embryos created in a lab is a miracle. They can eventually be breathing, walking around, laughing, crying, and brightening the life of the people around them.” – Vanessa

“Every life is worth the pain of saving; if we realize this, then the pain we feel isn’t pain at all – it is something else entirely: love.” — Andrew

Keep watching for a list of the 2015 Pro-Life Essay Contest winners!

What Circles the State Each Spring? Our Pro-Life Town Halls

By Michael Ciccocioppo, Executive Director

This was my fifth year leading the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation town hall tour around the state. I was privileged to have our education director, Micaiah Bilger, as my co-presenter this year.

0 Michael and Micaiah

Executive Director Michael Ciccocioppo and Education Director Micaiah Bilger

Based on the feedback we received at every stop along the way, the tour was an unequivocal success. People genuinely appreciate our brand of pro-life education. And we reached hundreds of citizens in their hometowns.

We traveled 1,200 miles in seven days this month, speaking in 11 different communities, starting in Ebensburg and continuing on to Uniontown, Pittsburgh, Titusville, Erie, State College, Scranton, Nesquehoning, Easton, Philadelphia and Lancaster. We have one last stop to make in Grove City on September 16. Click here for details.

People like the way we provide the most important information on some of the hottest pro-life topics of the day with high energy, passion and plain English.

This year, we covered seven topics at each stop:

  • The state of abortion in Pennsylvania
  • Gov. Wolf’s ties to the abortion industry
  • Hope for parents whose babies have poor prenatal diagnoses
  • Abortion and medical rationing in the era of the Affordable Care Act
  • The push for doctor-prescribed suicide
  • Encouraging signs for the pro-life cause
  • What you can do to help restore the culture of life in Pennsylvania

Since each event is one-and-a-half to two hours long, we keep our talks brief and focus on the most important aspects of each topic. When people want more details, we provide them during Q&A.

Special thanks to all those who hosted this year’s pro-life town halls. Check out a slideshow of photos from all these events here.

If you or a group would like to host a pro-life town hall in your community in 2016, contact the Federation at or 717-541-0034.

New PA Resources on the Threat of Assisted Suicide

This spring, two bills that could legalize doctor-prescribed suicide were introduced in the Pennsylvania House (HB943) and Senate (SB549).

Giving helpEuthanasia advocates are targeting Pennsylvania and about a dozen other states right now, trying to push their deadly agenda. They have already succeeded in five states.

Here are a few ways you can learn more about this growing threat:

  • The Pennsylvania Coalition to Stop Doctor-Prescribed Suicide now has a website. Visit for facts, issue papers, videos, and other resources. And follow the Coalition on Facebook and Twitter. The coalition is a diverse network of disability rights activists, medical professionals, and other groups who believe in compassionate care of people with disabilities and terminal illness, rather than the dangerous practice of doctor-prescribed suicide.
  • We have several fact sheets available: Oregon’s Assisted Suicide Law: Safeguards Don’t Work, and Threat of Doctor-Prescribed Suicide in Pennsylvania. Read them online or request copies from our office.
  • Sign up for our twice-monthly Online Newsletter to receive regular updates about what’s happening in Pennsylvania and what you can do to help protect lives.

We are working hard to educate the public about the threat of doctor-prescribed suicide. Please help us by informing yourself and your friends.

In the Wake of Gosnell Scandal, Lawmakers Have Serious Concerns about Nominee

By Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director

More than 40 Pennsylvania lawmakers have signed a letter to Governor Tom Wolf which raises serious questions about Secretary of State nominee Pedro Cortes. Cogosnell40rtes previously served as Secretary of State during the Rendell Administration, a period of time in which the Department of State took no action against infamous abortionist Kermit Gosnell.

Gosnell was suspected of killing hundreds of full-term babies and causing the deaths of female patients in a West Philadelphia abortion facility, which was called a “House of Horrors” by prosecutors. Gosnell is now in prison after being convicted of killing three babies and causing the death of a woman. Prosecutors say they were unable to bring charges in the rest of the cases because Gosnell destroyed the evidence.

The letter from the legislators states, “To fully understand the gravity of the failures of the department throughout Secretary Cortes’ service, one needs to read directly from the grand jury’s damaging report.”

According to the grand jury report, “Between 2002 and 2009, Board of Medicine attorneys reviewed five cases involving malpractice and other complaints against Gosnell. None of the assigned attorneys or their supervisors, suggested that the Board take action against the deviant doctor. In fact, despite serious allegations, three of the cases were closed without any investigation. The other two were investigated and then closed — without any action being taken.”

The letter from the lawmakers notes, “In his resume and biography Secretary Cortes takes credit for various achievements in dealing with occupational and professional licensure complaints and investigations during his tenure. Yet at the same time he takes no responsibility for the documented blatant failures of those same units under his leadership.”

The letter goes on to say, “…it is deeply troubling to us that you would nominate someone for such an important position as Secretary of the Commonwealth despite his deep ties to this national nightmare.”

You can read the full letter and see the names of the legislators who signed it here.

3 Questions Lawmakers Should Ask Pa. Planned Parenthood

By Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director

When pink t-shirted Planned Parenthood activists swarm the state Capitol in Harrisburg this coming week, they will likely be talking about “reproductive justice,” “women’s health,” and “family planning.”

PlannedParenthood1But chances are they will not be speaking about a number of aspects of their own annual report, which shows just how radical the nation’s number-one abortion performer is in terms of promoting abortion, minimizing adoption, and raking in the taxpayer dough.

The 2013 Planned Parenthood annual report showed the abortion giant committing more than 327,000 abortions. So much for the old pro-abortion mantra of keeping abortion safe, legal, and rare.

For every one adoption referral, Planned Parenthood performed 174 abortions. With that kind of average, the organization is may be a peak performer in the abortion business, but is a non-starter when it comes to promoting adoption.

Moreover, cries of underfunding seem particularly strange, when the non-profit devours more than a half-billion dollars in taxpayer money each year.

State lawmakers would be wise to ask Planned Parenthood officials some pointed questions, such as:

1.) Why are your abortion totals so high?
2.) Why are your adoption referrals so low?
3.) Why does a non-profit need half a billion dollars of our constituents’ hard-earned tax money?

The pink t-shirt parade cannot conceal the ugly truth that Planned Parenthood takes the lives of hundreds of thousands of citizens each year…causes unspeakable pain for countless numbers of women…undermines adoption…and wastes hundreds of millions of tax dollars on an annual basis. Planned Parenthood Action Day is not a cause for celebration, but a reason for massive mourning.

Come Listen, Learn and Connect at Pro-Life Town Hall Meetings


This April will be my third time traveling across the state for our annual Pro-Life Town Hall Tour.


Micaiah Bilger

The tour is one of the ways we bring the latest pro-life information to people all across the state. We’re planning to share up-to-date news on a variety of topics, including abortion trends in Pennsylvania, dealing with a poor prenatal diagnosis, the push for assisted suicide, the Affordable Care Act, Q&A and more.

I love the tour because we offer a pro-life perspective that people can’t get anywhere else. But most of all, I love having the opportunity to connect with people all across the state.

I love when a grandmother comes to me after a meeting and shares a picture of her grandson who was almost aborted. I love when a teenager eagerly asks me what she can do to help moms and babies. I love listening to the decades-long pro-lifers, because their stories encourage me to keep going strong. And I love talking with the people who aren’t sure where they stand on the life issues and are looking for answers.

Our Pro-Life Town Hall meetings are an opportunity to learn, ask questions, and connect with the people around us.

I hope you’ll join us in Ebensburg, Uniontown, Pittsburgh, Titusville, Erie, State College, Scranton, Nesquehoning, Easton, Philadelphia, Lancaster or Grove City. Click here for details.

And please take a moment to say, “Hello.” I’d love to connect with you.