Simple Reminders about the Value of Adoption

Editor’s note: We are re-running one of our old column this month as part of Adoption Awareness Month.

By Micaiah Bilger

As I sit here at my desk and type, I can see my little sister’s picture in the corner of my eye. Her face is vibrant as she poses in her pink and blue ballerina tutu with little fairy wings and a flower pinned in her hair.

PortraitBelow that is a funny little picture that she sketched in church one day, a scribbly portrait of me and my husband. Every time I look at it, I smile. My husband has one big curly hair coming off the top of his head, and I think I have a tail.

Sometimes, I forget that my little sister was adopted. Even though we are 20 years apart and I was married before she was part of our family, I don’t think of her with an “adopted” label.

But when I saw that November is National Adoption Awareness Month, I was reminded that adoption brought her into my family’s lives. She has been a blessing in big ways and small ways, from her scribbly picture that greets me every morning at work to her filling my parents’ empty nest with the joy that only a child can bring.

And I just want to thank her birth mother and every birth mother who makes the difficult decision to make an adoption plan. I don’t know if my little sister’s birth mother considered having an abortion, but I do know she had the wisdom to see the value of her little girl’s life.

This is a short, simple post, but I just wanted to remind you (as I remind myself) of the value of adoption.

Learn more about adoption in Pennsylvania at

Abortion Case Similar to Gosnell Is Breaking in Michigan

A horrific abortion case eerily similar to Kermit Gosnell’s is being exposed in Michigan this week.

According to

michaelroth2“Local police have raided the upscale West Bloomfield, Michigan home of abortionist Michael Roth after acting on evidence that Roth may be performing illegal abortions — doing abortions either out of his home or in the private homes of his customers. In the course of the raid, police found what they believe are 14 containers that possibly contain the bodies of aborted babies along with other human tissue.

“The trunk of Roth’s car also contained medical equipment used for abortion procedures. Investigators confiscated medical ‘materials’ in bags and boxes at Roth’s home. Now, Roth is now under investigation by the Michigan Attorney General.”

These gruesome discoveries are reminiscent of what Pennsylvania officials discovered almost five years ago in Kermit Gosnell’s Philadelphia abortion center. Like Roth, Gosnell kept a grotesque collection of the aborted babies’ body parts on the shelves of his office and in the freezer.

It also is telling that authorities accidentally discovered these abortion horrors after investigating Roth and Gosnell for unrelated incidents.

In Roth’s case, police were investigating after “the doctor was driving … (and) hit a special needs child who was critically injured.” In the midst of the investigation, police found evidence that Roth was performing illegal abortions.

In Gosnell’s case, police raided his facility because of evidence that he was illegally selling prescription drugs.

Other similarities include botched abortions, injuries to women, unsanitary equipment, and drug-related violations of the law.

Tragically, Gosnell and Roth are not outliers. Abortionists like Steven Brigham, Doug Karpen, Ulrich Klopfer, and James Pendegraft are just a few others with similar reputations.

These are the back-alley butchers that Roe v. Wade was supposed to stop, according to abortion advocates’ narrative. But cases like these show that Roe v. Wade didn’t stop back alley butchers or protect vulnerable women. It simply opened the door to more horrors, including 58 million babies who were legally killed in abortions.

Millersville Student Stands Alone to Protest Planned Parenthood

Kaytee Moyer used to avoid the abortion issue.

KayteeMoyerBut after the Millersville University student watched the undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood harvesting aborted babies’ body parts, she decided that she could not be silent anymore.

“After watching that first video that came out, I feel like the issue blew me wide open,” Moyer told Glenn Beck’s news website The Blaze. “I have never felt so deeply for something so quickly, as when I watched those videos released.”

Moyer organized a small protest on campus with some of her friends, but when the date arrived, her friends got cold feet, according to The Blaze.

Not deterred, Moyer went ahead with the protest anyway. She stood alone at the busiest intersection in Millersville and handed out flyers exposing Planned Parenthood’s horrible abortion practices. Moyer also pinned price tags to different areas of her body as a visual statement, according to the site.

The abortion chain faces several Congressional investigations into whether it makes a profit from selling aborted babies’ body parts and whether it changes the abortion procedure to better harvest the parts – both of which are illegal. The investigations were prompted by the undercover videos released by the Center for Medical Progress.

Moyer said most students were receptive to the information. She told The Blaze that most people shook their heads in disgust when they read her flyer.

“The only negative reactions came from people that didn’t read the flyer. They saw Planned Parenthood and scoffed or crumbled up the flyer,” she said. “But the impact that I saw the knowledge having on my fellow students far outweighed those two minuscule reactions.”

Since The Blaze ran Kaytee’s story, several Pennsylvania news outlets have picked it up, too – bringing even more exposure to the truth about abortion.

Kaytee’s brave, one-woman protest is an encouraging example of how one person can  make a big difference for life.

Watch the undercover videos here. Warning: Some graphic content.

A Famous Granddaughter’s Struggles with Teen Pregnancy, Abortion and Adoption

Our Celebrate Life Banquet is less than a month away, and we couldn’t be more excited about our special guest speakers. Ruth Graham and Windsor Bauders, the daughter and granddaughter of evangelist Billy Graham, have a powerful story of hope and perseverance to share.

Our Executive Director Michael Ciccocioppo had the opportunity to hear their story a few years ago, and he was profoundly touched by it. He writes:

“I literally experienced a sense of enlightenment when I recently listened as (Windsor) walked me … through her unexpected pregnancy.

“First, did Billy Graham’s 16-year-old granddaughter really become pregnant? So this even happens in such iconic families.

“Second, the survival of this child wasn’t the slam-dunk I was expecting. You mean even exemplary Christians admired by the world seriously consider aborting their offspring?

“Third, is it really that hard to place a baby that you are in no way prepared to take care of into the arms of an adoptive couple who will love, cherish and provide for every need that your child could ever experience in a lifetime? My heart broke, and I could not contain my tears for Windsor as she described her thoughts, fears and emotions through it all.

“Fourth, can it be true that this was just the first in a series of life encounters Windsor lived through? In the end she finds herself in a place where she has the humility and the courage to expose the good, the bad and the ugly to people she doesn’t even know. Why? Because if her story saves even one life – it will be worth it all!”

Please join us to hear Ruth and Windsor’s testimony about the value of every human life. It will be an evening of inspiration that you won’t want to miss.

The banquet is Tuesday, October 20 in Pittsburgh. To register or for more details, click here. We hope to see you there!


What I Learned from a Rainy Saturday in Central Pa.

I was so excited. We were getting ready for a new outreach at a street festival in Central Pa. It was an event we’d never attended before in a community that we’d struggled to reach out to. Now we were finally going.

Then I saw the forecast: rain. My heart sank. It was an hour-long drive on a Saturday morning for a festival that may not happen, and I considered staying home. But the organizers didn’t cancel, so I went, silently hoping that I wasn’t wasting my time.

In the short time before the rain started, a mother approached our table and told us about her daughter who was pregnant and worried. The mother (a grandmother, really) said her daughter hadn’t been able to find support for her and her baby. Desperate, her daughter was seriously thinking about having an abortion.

We told the mother about pregnancy resource centers and gave her information to pass along to her daughter. She was grateful — so much so that she stopped back to talk a second time. The rain forced us to pack up just a short time later, but as we left, I realized that we had been there for a reason.

Time is an interesting thing. We think we need a lot of it to make a difference, but that’s really not the case at all. It reminds me of situations when people are near the end of life, maybe an older adult or a preborn baby with a terminal diagnosis, and someone suggests abortion or assisted suicide. It’s assumed that they can’t contribute much because their time is so short.

It can be easy to underestimate the impact of a person’s time, whether in small ways like a few hours of pro-life outreach on a rainy Saturday morning or in big, dangerous ways like abortion or assisted suicide.

I’m glad I didn’t give into those thoughts. If I had, that mother may not have found a glimmer of hope on that rainy Saturday morning.

Pa. Planned Parenthood Leader: We Should Be Allowed to Sell Aborted Babies’ Body Parts

Harvesting aborted babies’ body parts and selling them for a profit? A Pennsylvania Planned Parenthood official says it should be allowed, according to the latest video released by the Center for Medical Progress.

The video catches Vanessa Russo, compliance program administrator for Planned Parenthood Keystone in Central Pennsylvania, making some highly disturbing statements about how she would like her affiliate to be involved in selling aborted babies’ body parts.

“… a company like this that wants to, wants to give our organization money for the tissue, I think that’s a valid exchange,” Russo says; and later, “I would love to see this happen somehow.”

Russo dismisses the current laws prohibiting the sale of aborted babies’ body parts, calling discussions around the issue “crap.”

She tells another Planned Parenthood official that “… we can’t consent to be bullied by ridiculous laws …”

Another clip from the video shows Planned Parenthood national official Dr. Carolyn Westhoff sharing gristly details about carving out aborted babies’ body parts.

“We’ve just been working with people who want particular tissues, like, you know, they want cardiac, or they want eyes, or they want neural,” says Dr. Westhoff to a prospective fetal organ buyer. “Certainly, everything we provide–oh, gonads! Oh my God, gonads. Everything we provide is fresh.”

The video also shows several Planned Parenthood officials worrying about what would happen if their dealings in aborted babies’ body parts went public.

This new video is the first from the Center for Medical Progress to feature an abortion advocate from Pennsylvania. It brings up new questions here in the Keystone State. Is Russo demonstrating a mindset willing to stretch or violate the laws? Does Planned Parenthood Keystone believe it should be allowed to sell aborted babies’ body parts, or will the affiliate instead apologize for Russo’s highly disturbing comments?

Watch the video here. Warning: Some graphic content.

Pa. Planned Parenthoods Say They’re Not Harvesting Aborted Babies’ Body Parts, but They Still Profit off Aborting Babies

The Pennsylvania Department of Health responded this week to pro-lifers’ calls to investigate Planned Parenthood.

FIG1“… there is no evidence that any Planned Parenthood site in this commonwealth is involved in the buying or selling of fetal tissue,” wrote State Secretary of Health Karen Murphy in a letter publicized by the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

Instead, the Pennsylvania sites contract with medical waste vendors to dispose the aborted babies’ bodies, according to Murphy’s letter.

Pro-lifers asked Pennsylvania officials to investigate the abortion giant after a series of undercover videos call into question whether it illegally profits off the sale of aborted babies’ body parts. Other states and two federal Congressional committees also are doing investigations.

Planned Parenthood aborts more preborn babies than any other group in Pennsylvania and the U.S. That’s more than 17,000 babies a year in Pennsylvania and more than 330,000 preborn babies in the U.S., dead at the hands of Planned Parenthood.

Whether Planned Parenthood’s Pennsylvania affiliates are selling aborted babies’ body parts or not, it’s important to remember: They are making a profit killing babies in the womb. And that’s a tragedy we all should be working to end.

An Open Letter to Bob Casey: What Would Your Father Say About Your Vote for Planned Parenthood Funding?

Dear Senator Casey,

A book on our office shelf bears the noble title, “Fighting for Life.” It tells the story of one man’s heroic defense of the sanctity and dignity of human life. The book bears the signature “Bob Casey.” But it was not written by you. It was written by your father, whose name you share. What an honor that is.SenCasey

Governor Casey wrote of the challenges he faced as a pro-life Democrat. As he recounted an appearance before the Democratic platform committee, he wrote, “How, I concluded, could this party, which claimed to leave no one out and no one behind, abandon the most vulnerable and defenseless member of the human family—the unborn child?”

Gov. Casey requested an opportunity to speak at the 1992 Democratic National Convention. He wrote a letter to the party chairman to make the request: “The platform committee draft…has the effect of placing the national party even more squarely within the abortion-on-demand camp. I believe this is a serious mistake for the party and would like the opportunity to present this point of view, shared by many Democrats, to the convention.”

He eventually saw a letter, which was not even addressed to him, saying his request to speak was out of order and would be denied.

Also in 1992, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld most of the provisions of Pennsylvania’s landmark Abortion Control Act, which provides for parental consent, informed consent, and a 24-hour waiting period for abortions. The court case was titled, “Planned Parenthood v. Casey.” Planned Parenthood took on your father and, for the most part, the abortion giant lost.

More than 20 years later, you have embraced the very organization that took your father to court. In announcing your decision not to vote for the federal defunding of Planned Parenthood, you were quoted as saying, “Planned Parenthood facilities provide vital services, like cervical and breast cancer screenings and primary health care, to millions of low-income women, and it’s important that those services continue.”
But those services would have continued under the defunding measure, because the money was being redirected to community health centers which, according to published reports, do provide mammograms, which Planned Parenthood does not. The issue was not health care for women, because that would continue to be funded. The issue was whether a half-billion dollars of hard-earned tax money should be channeled to a morally bankrupt organization where a doctor blithely discusses harvesting baby body parts while sipping wine and eating salad…where another doctor haggles over the price of an unborn child’s lungs, liver, or head.

The Planned Parenthood officials appearing in these undercover videos speak about changing abortion techniques to harvest intact organs, which would be a violation of federal law. They do so unapologetically and without remorse. Do you condone such actions? Have you even viewed the videos? And if not, why not?

While secular news reports describe you as pro-life, the defunding bill was not a pro-life/pro-choice issue. It was a question of fiscal accountability, concerns about legality, ethics, and common human decency.

Included in Governor Casey’s book is a commencement address he gave at Franciscan University. There, he stated, “The world will try again and again, in a thousand different forms, to sell you power, popularity, acceptance. But look very closely because usually the price is a high one. The price is to surrender the greatest power and freedom any man or woman could ever have—your conscience.”

With your vote to stop the defunding of the nation’s largest abortion operation, Senator Casey, you won accolades from Planned Parenthood. If you toured their facilities—the ones you champion—I wonder if they would show you where they pick through the body parts of a dead unborn baby and exclaim, “Another boy!”

What do you think your father would say about that?

Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director

Sen. Casey Won’t Support Effort to Defund Planned Parenthood

By Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director

U.S. Senator Bob Casey, a Pennsylvania Democrat, told the Associated Press that he will not support the effort in Congress to defund Planned Parenthood, despite the recent controversy over the embattled organization.

abortion-is-not-healthcareCasey told the AP he would oppose legislation to end government funding for Planned Parenthood because “they provide all kinds of primary health care” for women and because of the federal ban on using federal money for nearly all abortions.

While Planned Parenthood has touted its breast cancer screenings, the organization does not provide mammograms. A recent Fox News report noted that the health care services provided by Planned Parenthood would also be available from primary care physicians under Obamacare.

Planned Parenthood has been embroiled in controversy for weeks following the release of undercover videos showing high-ranking Planned Parenthood doctors talking about financial compensation for aborted baby body parts. The videos also show Planned Parenthood doctors discussing manipulating abortion techniques to harvest baby organs, which would be a violation of federal law.

Casey has described himself as pro-life, but National Right to Life says his pro-life voting record is only 20 percent.

Meanwhile, Pennsylvania’s other U.S. Senator, Republican Pat Toomey, is co-sponsoring legislation to defund Planned Parenthood and preserve federal funding for women’s health services.

“Recently, we have seen horrific videos further demonstrating that Planned Parenthood has an appalling disregard for human life,” said Sen. Toomey.  “While I support women’s health, there is no reason why taxpayers should be providing hundreds of millions of dollars in subsidies each year to this organization.  Those dollars should instead be used to help community health centers or other organizations that provide affordable health care services to women. In addition, I hope the Departments of Justice and Health and Human Services will investigate whether, indeed, the law banning the sale of body parts was broken by Planned Parenthood.”

Toomey circulated a letter to HHS Secretary Burwell and Attorney General Lynch asking the Department of Health and Human Services, as well as the Department of Justice, to conduct an investigation to determine whether Planned Parenthood violated any laws. Toomey also helped to circulate a letter to Burwell asking that she fully cooperate and assist with any investigation into Planned Parenthood as a result of the recent video revelations.


Gov. Wolf Appoints Member of PA Planned Parenthood Board as His New Chief of Staff

As Planned Parenthood comes under fire nationally for harvesting aborted babies’ organs, Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf today appears to have appointed a board member of the abortion giant as his chief of staff.


Mary Isenhour

According to a biography posted on the website for Mack Sumner Communications, Mary Isenhour, Wolf’s new top advisor, serves on the board of Planned Parenthood of Pennsylvania.

This part of her biography is not in the official state press release, perhaps conveniently so. Nationally, Planned Parenthood faces two federal investigations into whether the abortion chain is profiting off the sale of aborted babies’ tissue and changing the abortion technique for the purpose of harvesting intact organs, both of which are illegal. Watch the undercover videos that led to the investigations here.

Wolf himself served as a volunteer escort for Planned Parenthood at one time, according to Cecile Richards, CEO of the national organization.

In appointing Isenhour, Wolf sends a clear message that he continues to support the abortion giant, even as it is embroiled in scandal.