By Bonnie Finnerty, Education Director
By chance, Joe Biden and I happened to return to Scranton on the same day.
We were both born in the Electric City, into Catholic families who identified with the ideals of the Democratic Party.
Biden lived there for 10 years, while I stayed for 24.
It’s true. You can leave Scranton, but Scranton never leaves you.
Yet our common ground seems to end there. The former Vice-President and I differ on several points, but most importantly on the issue that claims the single greatest loss of life each and every day: abortion.
I went to Scranton to present to high school students. If Biden had attended my morning talk, he would have heard some uncomfortable truths.
Such as every medical school textbook acknowledges that human life begins at the moment of conception. Now there’s some science we should follow.
And that since 1973, much of Biden’s constituency, in fact, 18%, of the US population has been aborted. Almost every fifth voter (and their children and grandchildren) are missing.
Joe could have held the fully-formed 12 week-old and 20 week-old fetal models, representing babies that are legal to abort in Pennsylvania for any reason whatsoever, even though the latest scientific research indicates these pre-born children might be pain-capable.
He could have learned a lot from the three dozen young people in the room who are grateful to be alive. They are the survivors of the abortion genocide.
But Biden didn’t attend my talk, and I was not invited to his Town Hall campaign event. If I were, I would have asked him a few things.
Such as how he feels about receiving the endorsement of Planned Parenthood when they have been caught illegally selling baby body parts to tissue procurement companies.
And why he chose as a running mate a politician who is so rabidly pro-abortion, she actually targeted pregnancy resource centers in California, requiring them to promote abortion.
I would ask if he thinks it’s a problem that African-American women are five times more likely to abort their children than white women, or if he finds it offensive that 79% of abortion centers are in minority neighborhoods.
Since he frequently invokes his Catholic faith as he campaigns, I would have asked if he is familiar with section 2270 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church which says Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception or section 2272 that states Formal cooperation in an abortion constitutes a grave offense.
There’s a lot more I would like to ask this candidate running for the highest office in our country.
Most importantly, I would ask Biden how he expects to make good on his promise to reclaim the “soul of the nation” when he has sold his own to the abortion lobby.