Abortion is No Cure for Domestic Violence


By Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director


It is one of the most painful situations that can befall a woman–one that can lead to feelings of powerlessness, sadness, and despair. National statistics indicate that, every minute in this country, 20 people are assaulted by an intimate partner. It’s a crime that’s often hidden from public view, played out in bedrooms, kitchens, and living rooms, where a cry for help is often unheard.

No woman should ever be subjected to physical, emotional, or psychological violence. Neither should her unborn child.

It is important to recognize that abortion does not cure domestic violence. A woman battered while pregnant can all too often end up battered again following an abortion.

Statistics show that as many as 60 percent of abortions may be coerced–meaning a woman is being pressured into a choice she does not want to make. The individual exerting the pressure could be her abuser.

Women need to be empowered to leave abusive situations–for their sake and the sake of their children. To all those who work to support women facing such scenarios, thank you. And to all those women who escape abuse and choose life for their children, you are among the hidden heroes that make America great.




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