Keeping Tomorrow Alive

Carol Tobias“Keeping Tomorrow Alive” is a refreshing theme for a convention. And the 2017 National Right to Live Convention is certainly living up to that innovative motto.

National Right to Life President Carol Tobias noted that the theme is two-fold: “We keep tomorrow alive by bringing more and more people into the right-to-life movement to keep this fight going; people who will work beside us in our endeavors to protect innocent human life. But it’s also about an idea, a goal, that human life is to be valued and cherished and respected. Life is to be lived!

Tobias concedes the pro-life movement faces significant challenges: preborn babies who have as many legal rights as an appendix…babies with disabilities who are considered unworthy of being born…the growing push toward “assisted suicide”…and Planned Parenthood falsely claiming that abortion is “health care.”

And yet, Tobias notes that pro-lifers are eternally optimistic, for good reason.

“We keep tomorrow alive by changing hearts and minds, educating newcomers and bringing them into the movement; by educating our young people so that they have the arguments to bolster their pro-life convictions, and by helping women who have aborted a son or a daughter to realize that they are welcomed and encouraged to join our ranks in the fight to protect innocent human life,” Tobias said.

To view portions of the National Right to Life convention, visit

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