Women Tell Stories of Abortion in New Pro-life Film Produced in Pennsylvania

A teenager faces a life-threatening pregnancy after being raped.

A woman buries the hurt of her abortion by performing them on others.

A vulnerable young woman feels pressured by her boyfriend to have an abortion.

A young nurse discovers a live baby left to die after a failed abortion.

These women are the voices of a new pro-life documentary coming out of Pennsylvania this November. “The Voice of John” is a feature-length documentary produced by RiverSong Productions in cooperation with the Pennsylvanians for Human Life of Hazleton, a chapter of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation.

“The Voice of John” is based around the story of producer Maryann Lawhon, who as a young nurse discovered the atrocities of abortion.

It was 1977, and she was working in an obstetrics unit in another state. One day, she found a baby left to die in a dirty utility room. The staff told her to leave the baby alone, because it was an abortion. Against their instructions, she held the baby and baptized him.

“I will name you John, and I will tell the world what I saw here today,” she promised. “I will be your voice!”

Now, “The Voice of John” brings her promise to fruition. Lawhon’s voice joins many others as filmmakers expose the truth about abortion and the laws that allow these unnecessary killings to continue.

Notable pro-life and Christian figures also make appearances in “The Voice of John,” including Dr. Alveda King, Ken Ham, Father Frank Pavone, and Mike Huckabee, as well as leaders from Silent No More, the Population Research Institute, and the National Right to Life Committee.

To watch the trailer or learn more about film showings, visit The Voice of John website.