Help Us Preserve the Protect Life Rule

From National Right to Life:

The clock is running on a 60-day comment period regarding the proposed Protect Life rule to make changes to the Title X family planning program. While we expect the rule to be finalized, we are asking you to submit supportive comments using as guidelines the key points below.  Additionally, any experts, advocates, or public officials who have specialized concerns on the Title X program should also be encouraged to comment.

To submit a comment:

  1. Access the published proposed rule at this link:

  1. Write a message to Health and Human Services Secretary Azar using the KEY POINTS below.



  • Existing Title X regulations have blurred the line between abortion and family planning. The proposed Protect Life rule simply makes clear that abortion is not family planning.  The rule would direct that abortion facilities could not be in the same location as where family planning services are delivered.  The rule also states that Title X grantees may not refer for elective abortion.
  • The proposed rule does not cut one dime of funding for family planning. Instead it merely ensures that federal funding goes to health facilities that do not perform or promote abortion as family planning.
  • Title X funds would be directed to health facilities willing to comply with the restored regulations. (Of note, nationwide, of the roughly 4,000 Title X service locations, less than 443 are Planned Parenthood clinics).
  • There is widespread availability of facilities that do not provide abortion onsite.
  • Clinics that receive Title X funds (hospitals, Federally Qualified Health Centers, state public health departments, and others) already provide care to well over half the patients served by Title X.  Since it appears that few such grantees are co-located with abortion clinics, they should have little difficulty complying with the new regulations.
  • The proposed regulations will not “gag doctors” or “interfere with the doctor/patient relationship.” This argument is intended to divert attention from the real issue– the routine referral for elective abortion by federally funded agents.

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