Meet Rachel and Alora


Meet Rachel and Alora.  Their story, told by CareNet and featured in Live Action News is an amazing one on many levels.  It starts as many abortion stories do…Rachel made a series of mistakes in life, and now is facing a situation she feels unprepared for.  When her boyfriend finds out he is going to be a father, he wants to keep the baby but quickly learns he has no say and that someone is going to choose to kill that baby legally before he has a chance to meet him or her.

Thankfully, this is where the story takes a different turn.  First, she sees a picture of the baby when the abortion staffer didn’t turn the monitor fast enough.  She instantly knew that the life inside her has value and she couldn’t end it….which speaks to the amazing power of ultrasound.

This is where the story takes a scary (and potentially sad) turn when the abortionist refused to follow her demand to remove the luminaria he had inserted to dilate her and stop the abortion process (so much for her body, her choice).  Furthermore, when she left the facility and went to the hospital, even the doctors there couldn’t convince the abortionist to remove the luminaria causing her to dilate…the abortionist insisted on continuing to kill Alora against Rachel’s wishes.

Thankfully, this is where the story takes a turn for the better.  Rachel had coworkers who supported her, and they suggested she go to a pregnancy center.  They could have judged her for her poor life decisions, but instead they gave her the love and support she needed to save her daughter.  The pregnancy center was able to find a doctor willing to follow Rachel’s wishes and remove the luminaria.

This story has a happy ending, but so many like it don’t.  Imagine if Rachel hadn’t seen the ultrasound and gone through with the abortion.  She would’ve had to deal with that abortion, probably ending her relationship with her boyfriend, and they wouldn’t be married now with a beautiful baby girl…and now a second child.  Imagine the guilt and suffering she would have felt if that abortionist had his way and forced her to have an abortion she didn’t want.  Imagine if she hadn’t had the support and love of coworkers and the pregnancy center to help her get out of a terrible situation.  Of course, we don’t have to imagine…we know it happens all the time.

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