A new Pennsylvania abortion facility is under investigation because of possible ties to a notorious abortionist.
Steven Brigham has a dubious reputation for harming women and skirting the law. His license to practice medicine has been yanked in Pennsylvania and numerous other states. He is barred from doing abortions in Pennsylvania.
However, news reports indicate that Brigham may be trying to slip back in through a new abortion facility in Philadelphia called the Integrity Family Health. The facility applied for and was granted a state permit earlier this fall.
According to reports, the toll free number for Brigham’s multi-state abortion business will set up appointments for patients at the new Pennsylvania center.
The Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation is grateful that the Corbett Administration is looking into this matter in the interest of protecting women’s health and safety.
Brigham has a long and sordid history of performing illegal, late-term abortions on viable babies, botching abortions and injuring women, using unsterile equipment, and working in filthy conditions.
Published reports say Brigham once ran an abortion ring with 15 facilities in four states, including four in Pennsylvania. His Pennsylvania facilities, in Erie, Allentown, State College, and Pittsburgh, have since closed.