A Shining Example of Life Featured on Time Square

The face of Pennsylvania’s own Chloe Kondrich will shine in the streets of New York City this fall as a testament to the value of every life.

Her photo was chosen to be part of a Time Square video presentation by the National Down Syndrome Society. The organization promotes the value, acceptance, and inclusion of people with Down syndrome.

Chloe’s father, Kurt Kondrich, writes that, unlike Chloe, many Down syndrome children are denied the right to experience life. Studies have shown that more than 90 percent of preborn children diagnosed with Down syndrome are aborted.

“As prenatal testing advances at lightning speed and our culture becomes more obsessed with false perceptions of perfection, the Down syndrome LIGHT will continue to dim until one day the video presentation in Times Square may become a dark tribute to an extinct species of priceless human beings,” Kondrich writes.

But because of people like Chloe and her family, the light still shines.

Celebrate life by congratulating Chloe and her family for their shining example of life. Read more about the Kondrich family at their blog.

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