President Trump Takes Bob Casey to Task

By Maria  Gallagher, Legislative Director

Pro-life President Donald Trump took Democratic U.S. Senator Bob Casey to task for failing to support Supreme Court nominees.

Bob Casey

At a packed rally in Wilkes-Barre Thursday, the President noted that Casey vowed to oppose his Supreme Court pick–even before the name of the nominee had been released.

Previously, Casey–who has an 80 percent pro-abortion voting record–opposed Judge Neil Gorsuch for the High Court. This, despite Gorsuch’s stellar record and qualifications.

Now, Casey is standing squarely against eminently qualified Judge Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court. In sharp contrast, Pennsylvania’s other U.S. Senator, Republican Pat Toomey, supported both Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh is a strict constructionist who has vowed to refrain from making laws from the bench. He is dedicated to the principle of preserving the Constitution, and not reading into it “rights” which do not appear there.

Senator Toomey’s Record on the Life Issues

Senator Pat ToomeyBy Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director

Now that we are within 100 days of the November 8th general election, people are starting to pay more attention to the nation’s political campaigns. A key question on the minds of those who view sanctity of life as the most important issue is how incumbent legislators have voted on both pro-life and pro-abortion legislation.

Thankfully, National Right to Life makes it easy for us. You can just go to, click on the Legislation tab, then on U.S. Senate Scorecard (2015-2016). There, you can view a comprehensive list of relevant legislation, along with the votes cast by each state’s U.S. Senators.

The NRLC scorecard for the 114th Congress, combined sessions, shows that Pennsylvania Republican Pat Toomey voted in favor of a ban on late-term abortions—a ban which would protect unborn children and their mothers from the harm of abortion once the preborn baby is 20 weeks old. Senator Toomey also opposed the Murray Amendment, designed to provide one billion dollars to abortion operations, including Planned Parenthood. He also opposed the Collins Amendment to preserve federal funding of Planned Parenthood, which is the nation’s largest abortion operation.

Senator Toomey supported passage of a pro-life reconciliation bill to defund Planned Parenthood and repeal anti-life provisions of Obamacare. In short, Senator Toomey scored a 100 percent pro-life voting record on the National Right to Life scorecard.

With high-tech tools such as this scorecard, voters can make informed decisions about candidates running for re-election to Congress. To view a complete comparison on Senator Toomey and his opponent Katie McGinty regarding the life issues, please click here.

Toomey Calls on Feds to Take Action in Wake of Philadelphia Abortionist’s Murder Trial

HARRISBURG, Pa. – The Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation commends U.S. Senator Pat Toomey, R-Pa., for urging the federal government to investigate abortion policies in the wake of the murder trial of West Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell.

“Our government hasUltrasound: Window to the Womb a long-overdue responsibility to take action to protect women and babies from the likes of Kermit Gosnell,” said Ms. Micaiah Bilger, education coordinator at the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation. “Gosnell is charged with killing four newborn infants and a female patient inside his filthy abortion center. He allegedly killed hundreds of babies and harmed countless women, but the state Department of Health ignored his horrific practices for almost two decades.”

Toomey is among the Senators who are planning to introduce a resolution today that calls on the government to investigate late-term abortion practices and policies across the U.S.

“Sadly, Philadelphia isn’t the only city where we are seeing these horrors take place,” Bilger said. “Abortion centers in Michigan, Maryland and Delaware are being investigated for deplorable conditions such as using unsterilized equipment on patients and performing what their own staff called ‘meat market-style’ abortions.

“We sincerely thank Sen. Toomey for leading the fight to protect women and babies from abusive abortion practices in our nation,” Bilger added.