Toomey Calls on Feds to Take Action in Wake of Philadelphia Abortionist’s Murder Trial

HARRISBURG, Pa. – The Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation commends U.S. Senator Pat Toomey, R-Pa., for urging the federal government to investigate abortion policies in the wake of the murder trial of West Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell.

“Our government hasUltrasound: Window to the Womb a long-overdue responsibility to take action to protect women and babies from the likes of Kermit Gosnell,” said Ms. Micaiah Bilger, education coordinator at the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation. “Gosnell is charged with killing four newborn infants and a female patient inside his filthy abortion center. He allegedly killed hundreds of babies and harmed countless women, but the state Department of Health ignored his horrific practices for almost two decades.”

Toomey is among the Senators who are planning to introduce a resolution today that calls on the government to investigate late-term abortion practices and policies across the U.S.

“Sadly, Philadelphia isn’t the only city where we are seeing these horrors take place,” Bilger said. “Abortion centers in Michigan, Maryland and Delaware are being investigated for deplorable conditions such as using unsterilized equipment on patients and performing what their own staff called ‘meat market-style’ abortions.

“We sincerely thank Sen. Toomey for leading the fight to protect women and babies from abusive abortion practices in our nation,” Bilger added.

Prosecutors Wrap Up Case against Kermit Gosnell

Philadelphia prosecutors wrapped up their case against abortionist Kermit Gosnell on Thursday.

The Philadelphia abortionist is charged with the murders of seven newborn infants and a female patient.

Gosnell’s attorney now has his turn to present a defense of his client’s actions. He is arguing that Gosnell is not a murderer Gosnellbecause he killed the babies while they were still in the womb. Gosnell continually maintains that he is not guilty.

However, members of Gosnell’s staff testified that they saw dozens of babies born alive. The babies moved and breathed. Some even cried.

According to an Associated Press article:

“Prosecutors chose Kareema Cross as their final witness before resting their case against Kermit Gosnell. Ms. Cross said she saw more than 10 babies breathe, with their chests moving up and down.

“’I thought they were breathing,’ testified Ms. Cross, 28. ‘He would say they’re not really breathing.’

“Ms. Cross also described seeing three babies move. Dr. Gosnell explained the movements as a last reflex amid the death process, she said.”

The Washington Examiner outlines 58 horrific details of the case here (warning: some graphic content).

Gosnell Murder Trial, Florida Bill Point to Inconsistencies in Arguments for Abortion

At what point should humans’ right to life be protected? The moment of conception? After the first trimester? Viability? After birth?

Two abortion-related stories in the news point to this key question in the abortion debate.

First, the trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell in Philadelphia. Right now, jurors are considering, among Gavelother things, whether he is guilty of murdering seven newborn babies. Gosnell, rather than perform complicated late-term abortions, allegedly preferred to cause his patients to give birth to a live baby. Then he would snip the baby’s spinal cord to kill it.

Gosnell faces murder charges for allegedly killing live newborn babies. Would he be on trial for the murder of these babies if he had instead killed them while they were still inside the womb? Maybe for performing illegal late-term abortions, but not for their murders. (Gosnell also faces an eighth murder charge in the death of a female patient. Read more about her here.)

This doesn’t seem right if you think about it. In its mother’s womb, a baby does not have a right to life, but move the baby several inches and suddenly our laws require that it be protected. Why should a human being’s location determine whether it has the right to life?

Meanwhile, in Florida, legislators have proposed a new law to protect infants born alive after a failed abortion. According to Florida Right to Life:

“The debate lingered as many stated, ‘It was a woman’s right to choose, even in a case of a botched abortion.’ Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, League of Women Voters, United Women’s Organization, and others spoke to OPPOSE treating infants that are born alive during an abortion procedure.”

Here, pro-abortion groups base the baby’s right to life on its wanted-ness. But this argument doesn’t make sense either. If the mother of a 3-month-old infant decides that she no longer wants her baby, she cannot choose to kill it, either by force or neglect. Why should it be any different for a baby born alive after a failed abortion attempt? Or the baby still in her womb?

Most arguments for legalized abortion become pretty shallow when we cut them down to the core. The only logical and scientifically-based answer to the question “At what point should humans’ right to life be protected?” is the moment of conception.

Testimony to Begin Monday in Gosnell Murder Trial

The jury has been selected and testimony is scheduled to begin Monday in the murder trial of West Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Gosnell is charged with more than 30 criminal counts including the murder of seven newborn infants and a female patient.

Learn more about what investigators found inside Gosnell’s West Philadelphia abortion center by watching this short documentary:

Please share this telling film with your family and friends.

Gosnell’s Abortion Practices: How Uncommon Are They?

Kermit Gosnell’s horrific abortion practices shocked the world in 2011 when authorities unveiled the tragedies that took place inside the West Philadelphia Women’s Medical Society.

Pro-abortion advocates and abortion facilities were quick to distance Gosnellthemselves from Gosnell. They claimed his murderous and abusive practices are the exception, not the norm.

But are they really? Here are just a few examples (we could site more) of similar things happening in the U.S.:

Gosnell allegedly ignored young women who changed their minds and no longer wanted abortions. He injured countless women in botched abortions.

In a Colorado lawsuit filed last month, a woman alleges that a Planned Parenthood forced her to have an abortion after she changed her mind. What’s more, the abortionist botched the procedure and sent her home. Several days later, the woman had to have emergency surgery.

Gosnell operated a squalid abortion facility with the blood-stained furniture and medical waste.

A Michigan abortion facility was recently closed down for similar violations: blood-stained walls, unsterilized equipment, and used medical supplies like syringes left in the open.

Gosnell discriminated against minorities, reserving a separate, less squalid room for white women.

Last summer, abortionist Ron Virmani was videotaped saying that “ugly black babies” should be aborted to save tax money and prevent gun violence.

And a Life Dynamics report finds that the abortion industry targets blacks and Latinos by placing abortion facilities in communities with the highest minority populations.

As a result of these heinous practices, states are passing laws to hold abortion facilities accountable for women’s health and safety. In Pennsylvania, abortion centers now must be regularly inspected and must meet the same requirements as other outpatient surgical facilities.

Unfortunately, the most common tragedy of all in Gosnell’s abortion practice gets the least attention.

Gosnell’s practices show a complete disregard for human life. He delivered babies alive and then snipped their spinal cords with scissors. He cared nothing for his patients, allowing untrained and unlicensed medical staff to give anesthesia and use unsterilized equipment. These practices resulted in Gosnell being charged with murdering a woman and seven newborn babies.

Though some abortion centers may hold themselves to higher health and safety standards, they share Gosnell’s disregard for human life in the womb. It doesn’t matter how clean or law-abiding these abortion centers are they still are destroying unique preborn human lives.

In the midst of the Gosnell scandal, let’s not forget about the thousands of preborn babies who are legally killed every day in abortions.

Help us work to protect life from the moment of conception to natural death. Click here to learn how you can get involved in protecting women and preborn babies from the tragedy of abortion.

The Named and Nameless Victims of Gosnell’s ‘House of Horrors’ Abortion Mill

By Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director

Editor’s note: This editorial also appears on, the website of The (Harrisburg) Patriot-News. To show support for Gosnell’s victims, born and unborn, consider posting a comment below the article by clicking here.

His alleged crimes went undetected for years. He was the go-to guy in the neighborhood for Oxycotin and other addictive drugs—an illegal business which investigators say brought in hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.

And he was also known as the doc to go to for extremely late, late-term abortions (more than 24 weeks’ gestation). At times, those “late-term abortions” turned into the killing of live infants, according to a grand jury report that reads like the script from a horror movie.

When live babies were delivered, he allegedly stuck scissors in the back of the babies’ necks and severed the spinal cords, killing them. The grand jury estimates that Gosnell engaged in hundreds of such killings, but charges could be brought in only a handful of cases, because he conveniently destroyed files to cover his tracks. The suspect, who, if convicted, might be described as the John Wayne Gacy of West Philadelphia, cleverly hid evidence—but not all of it.

Forgive the graphic nature of the following description, but it must be included to show the depravity behind Gosnell’s abortion center walls: A search team found the parts of dead babies nearly everywhere—in the refrigerator, in the freezer, and in containers which would ordinarily carry milk, orange juice, even cat food.

And then there were the jars of severed baby feet.

Add to this horror the maiming of grown female patients. The grand jury described him as a “butcher of women.” As members of the grand jury declared in their chilling report, “Dr. Gosnell didn’t just kill babies. He was also a deadly threat to mothers.”

During a debate at a college campus, a representative from Planned Parenthood suggested that I would not know the name of the female patient Gosnell was charged with killing—the supposition being that pro-lifers do not really care about women. Without hesitation, I answered, “Karnamaya Mongar.”

She was a 41-year-old refugee from Nepal, according to the grand jury report. After a few hours in this house of horrors, she stopped breathing. Gosnell could not revive her because his defibrillator was broken. When the paramedics finally arrived, the hallways were so cluttered that it took them 20 minutes to get the patient out of the building.

She died.

How many other women died as a result of Gosnell’s lethal form of medicine, we’ll never know.

Gosnell’s case is finally working its way through the Philadelphia justice system, and Pennsylvania now has a law, Act 122, to ensure that abortion facilities follow the safety standards of outpatient surgery centers. But it is too late for the many women who say they suffered as a result of Gosnell’s brutal practice.

And what of those babies who were routinely killed at the Women’s Medical Society?

No one knows their names.

‘House of Horrors’ Abortionist Will Head to Trial on Monday, March 4, in Philadelphia

Kermit Gosnell is charged with eight murders,
other criminal charges

Harrisburg, PA – Jury selection is scheduled to begin Monday, March 4, for the trial of an infamous Philadelphia abortionist who is charged with eight murders and numerous other criminal charges.

Kermit Gosnell

Kermit Gosnell

In 2011, investigators revealed the horrific practices of Kermit Gosnell and his squalid abortion facility in West Philadelphia. Gosnell allegedly killed one female patient and seven newborn babies in a facility the prosecutor described as a “house of horrors.”

“Gosnell must be held accountable for his blatant disregard for the lives of newborn babies and the health and safety of women,” said Micaiah Bilger, education coordinator at the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, an affiliate of National Right to Life. “Clearly, Gosnell was more concerned about earning millions of dollars than he was about his patients’ welfare.”

Prior to the investigation, Gosnell’s Women’s Medical Society had not been inspected for 17 years. Hair and nail salons in Pennsylvania were held to greater scrutiny than Gosnell’s abortion center.

“Kermit Gosnell’s ‘house of horrors’ served as a wake-up call to Pennsylvania about the disastrous effects of unregulated abortion,” Bilger said. “Fortunately, our governor and legislators took swift action to put safeguards in place for women and preborn babies after the Gosnell discoveries. Now, as a result of a new law, Act 122, abortion centers in our state are being held accountable.”

Governor Signs Abortion Center Regulation Bill

Governor Tom Corbett has signed into law Senate Bill 732, which is intended to increase regulation at abortion facilities around the state. The law is a response to the massive tragedy in West Philadelphia, where abortionist Kermit Gosnell is charged with the murders of seven newborn babies and one female patient. Gosnell’s “house of horrors” abortion center had not been inspected in 17 years. The new law includes unannounced inspections of abortion facilities, among other increased regulations.

Editorial Speaks the Truth

The Lancaster New Era has an outstanding editorial explaining why the state legislature had to enact tougher regulations on abortion facilities. SB 732 is a response to the massive tragedy in West Philadelphia, where abortionist Kermit Gosnell is charged with the murders of seven newborn babies and one female patient. You can read the editorial at–rules-on-abortion-clinics.html

Murder Victim’s Estate Sues Philadelphia

The estate of a woman killed at a Pennsylvania abortion facility is suing the city of Philadelphia. Karnamaya Mongar lost her life seeking an abortion at Kermit Gosnell’s West Philadelphia abortion facility. Her daughter says that her mother’s death could have been prevented if the city health department had heeded warnings about unsafe conditions at the abortion center. You can read more about the suit at