Wagner Has Solid Pro-life Record


By Maria Gallagher, Legislative/PAC Director
Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation

            Some individuals who call themselves a name similar to the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation have put out a false report, suggesting that state Senator Scott Wagner is not pro-life. Wagner, a candidate for Governor in the May 15, 2018 Pennsylvania Primary Election, has a 100 percent pro-life voting record, has co-sponsored pro-life bills, sponsored a bus to the March for Life, and distributed a clear statement condemning Roe v. Wade, the tragic U.S. Supreme Court ruling which legalized abortion nationwide.

             Wagner has also worked to ensure that the Pennsylvania Department of State would not repeat the mistakes that led to the lack of enforcement that enabled abortionist Kermit Gosnell to ply his trade in West Philadelphia. Gosnell was ultimately convicted in connection with the deaths of three full-term babies and a female immigrant patient, Karnamaya Mongar.

             Pro-life voters who have questions about candidates for public office at the state or national levels are welcome to contact Maria Gallagher at the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation PAC at 717-541-0034.

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