June 20, 2016
HARRISBURG, Pa. –Presumptive GOP Presidential nominee Donald Trump has won the support of Pennsylvania’s largest single issue pro-life organization.
The Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation voted unanimously in State College this past weekend to give its political action committee’s support to Mr. Trump.
“Donald Trump will be a dedicated defender of innocent human life in the White House,” said Maria Gallagher, PAC Director of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation. “He has pledged to appoint Justices to the U.S. Supreme Court who will interpret the law, rather than aggressively making laws from the bench. In sharp contrast, his opponent, presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, would have a radically pro-abortion litmus test for judicial nominees,” Gallagher added.
Mr. Trump also supports a ban on gruesome late-term abortions, in which fully-developed, living babies are killed in their mothers’ wombs. Meanwhile, Mrs. Clinton voted against the Partial-Birth Abortion Act, which was supported by a vast majority of Americans.
In addition, Mr. Trump will safeguard our hard-earned taxpayer dollars from being used to support organizations that perform abortions. Mrs. Clinton, in contrast, opposes a ban on tax funding of abortions, despite national public opinion polls which show that nearly seven in 10 Americans, including Millennials and women, oppose taxpayer funding of abortion.
“When it comes to safeguarding precious babies and their mothers from harm, Donald Trump is the clear choice for President,” Gallagher said. “He recognizes the distinct value of human life and has pledged to protect it from its earliest stages—something that Mrs. Clinton, sadly and tragically, refuses to do.”
The Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation is a grassroots right-to-life organization with members statewide. PPLF is committed to promoting the dignity and value of human life from conception to natural death and to restoring legal protection for preborn children.