Hello! I thought I would take a minute and introduce myself as the new Education Director (hence chief blogger) for the PA Pro Life Federation. Since you’ll be reading a lot from me, I thought it would be a good idea to know a little about me, my background, and why I’m pro-life.
First, a little about me…
I have a lot of titles, although the most important are “Father” to my two boys Russ (9) and Nathaniel (4) and “Husband” to my beautiful wife of 13 years Lisa. We live in Mechanicsburg with our dog Odie (the REAL master of the house). I am active in my church, Trinity United Methodist in New Kingstown), my son’s cub scout pack (Pack 180), a local nonprofit organization called New Digs Ministry that is committed to helping people who are rebuilding their lives by providing furnishings and household goods, absolutely free of charge. I also do what I can to support pro-life candidates of all parties.
How I got here…
I grew up in a very conservative Christian household as the oldest of 4 (two brothers and a sister). We were all homeschooled most of our early education, and I finished up at Harrisburg Christian School in Linglestown. Growing up with that background, there was never any question in my mind of the definition of “right” and “wrong” or of when life began, but my first real exposure to the abortion issue was in high school when for our Social Studies class we had to write a research paper on the Roe VS. Wade decision from a judicial, moral, and ethical perspective. I went on from there to college, first at Harrisburg Area Community College, and then at Bloomsburg University. I have since spent my life in various professional roles, most recently running my own business doing communication and political consulting for various nonprofits and public figures.
Why I’m pro-life…
Most of it has to do with my religious background and beliefs. I believe life begins at conception, and it deserves to be protected the whole way to natural death. I also believe we have a moral and ethical, if not biblical, obligation to stand up and defend those who can’t defend themselves. Now, as a father, I understand even better the miracle of life, and I feel a deep personal obligation to making this a better world for my boys…and to me that starts with making sure we choose life!
That’s enough about me for now. I look forward to meeting each of you, and working with you in the weeks, months, and years ahead. If there’s anything you need, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us either by email at lifelines@paprolife.com, or by calling us at 717-541-0034. I hope you enjoy my future blog posts (which I guarantee won’t be this long) and I look forward to your feedback!