A shout out to the Messiah College Respect Life Club for pointing me to this great new resource for college students.
PregnantOnCampus.org, a project of Students for Life, has a new section that helps students find pregnancy/ parenting resources available on and around their college campus.
The Pennsylvania list includes 28 campuses and boasts 729+ resources available to students, including housing, scholarships, clothing/food assistance, child care, and counseling. The individual campus lists also inform students of their rights and the school’s policies concerning pregnant and parenting students.
And don’t forget about our website’s Pregnant? Need Help? section, which lists more than 200 pregnancy/parenting resources across Pennsylvania.
Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life, told the National Review: “The pressure on a pregnant student to abort her child is enormous — she could be getting pressure from her family, her friends, her partner, her professors. She absolutely needs to know that abortion is not her only option and that there are caring people on campus who really want to help her.”
Please share these valuable resources with college students in your life. The most common age for a woman to have an abortion is during her college years. Students deserve to know that there are better options than abortion. These resources help remind pregnant/parenting students that they don’t have to face this on their own.